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Parinidhi's pov!

"Is it done, Nidhi?" Swati asked, as she came into the archive room and then she let out a gasp as she looked around the archive room in surprise.

"Oh my god! I can't believe this is the same archive room we had before.." Swati added and I shot a smug smile.

"Nidhi's magic, Swati." I said proudly.

"Honestly, this was more like a store room. Any unwanted things would be thrown here, instead of in a trash can. No idea why Mr Rai asked you to organise this." Swati said with a confused frown and I bristled hearing his name.

"Oh, I totally have an idea why he asked me to do this. Simply because he wanted to make my life a hell." I said furiously.

With that said, I walked out of the archive room and towards the top floor where the CEO's cabin is.

I knocked on the door twice and when I heard a faint come in from the other side, I opened the door and went in.

Siddharth Raichand was on his chair and Mukul ji was sitting on a chair across from him. Mukul ji smiled at me, but I ignored him.

"Yes, Ms Vyas?" Siddharth Raichand asked, without looking at me.

How the hell did he understand it was me, without looking at me.

"The work is done, Mr Raichand." I said, a bit proudly.

"Okay. Now take this paper. There are around six hundred pages in it. These are the xerox copies of ten pages. It is all shuffled. The pages are numbered. You have to sort through them and pin it as sixty different files. I want it in an hour." Siddharth said and I looked at him in disbelief.

"What about the archive room? Aren't you going to come and see it?" I asked with a frown.

"I am a busy man, Ms Vyas. I don't have time to waste by checking on the results of menial jobs." Siddharth said and I bristled in anger.

Menial job? Did he just call my three days of hardwork a menial job! How dare he?

"Mr Raichand-" I began to speak, but he didn't let me finish it.

"The time is ticking away, Ms Raichand. I need the files within an hour. Get back to work. NOW." He ordered and pointed at the side table where a bundle of papers were laid haphazardly.

"And if it is so important to you, Mukul will check the archive room in a day or two when he gets free." Siddharth Raichand added. It felt like an insult to my hard work.

As I stood there, seething with anger and frustration, a storm raged within me. How dare he dismiss my hard work as menial? The audacity of that man!

In my mind, I cursed Siddharth Raichand with every insult I could muster, railing against his arrogance and disregard for others. He had no right to belittle my efforts, to treat me like I was beneath him.

With a clenched jaw and a determined glare, I snatched the bundle of papers from the table, barely containing the urge to throw them back in Siddharth's face. But I refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing me lose my cool.

Instead, I turned on my heel and marched out of the cabin, slamming the door shut behind me with a satisfying thud. Letting out a frustrated huff, I stormed down the hallway, my mind still buzzing with indignation.

Siddharth's pov!

As she stepped into my cabin, the scent of wild flowers filled my nostrils and without even glancing up, I knew who it was.

Parinidhi Vyas!

It annoyed me like hell that even her scent was making my heart flutter.

What the bloody hell!

And I could sense the anger radiating off her when I dismissed her three days of hard work. I was actually amazed seeing the transformation of the archive room. I had been monitoring her work through the CCTV footage for the past three days.

I could practically hear her gritting her teeth in anger and then she stormed out of my cabin, slamming the door shut, making me flinch.

As Parinidhi stormed out of my office, leaving behind a whirlwind of frustration and determination, I couldn't shake off the lingering feeling of unease that settled in the pit of my stomach.

Why was she affecting me like this? Why did her mere presence stir up such conflicting emotions within me?

I tried to rationalise it, to attribute it to her stubbornness or the challenges she posed, but deep down, I knew there was more to it than that.

There was something about her fire, her fierce independence, that both intrigued and unsettled me.

And yet, despite my best efforts to push her away, to maintain the façade of indifference, she remained stubbornly persistent, refusing to be intimidated or cowed into submission.

It was infuriating, disconcerting, and undeniably intriguing all at once.

"Uh Mr Raichand.." It was Mukul's voice which startled me out of my thoughts.

"Okay, that's it, Mukul. You may go." I said and he was about to walk out, but I stopped him.

"Did you arrange for the gift for Ms Chavan?" I asked.

"Yes, Sir. It is ready. I will have it delivered to you before your dinner with Ms Chavan." Mukul said and left after taking my permission.

Today, I am taking Bhavna out for dinner. With this, I will be putting an end to what we had. It has run its course and it is time to move on.


Here goes the next shot..

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