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Third person's pov!


Parinidhi got scared hearing the painful scream she heard from the living room. She hurried out of the study and saw Jeevika kneeled over in pain. Blood drained from her face seeing that.

"Jeevika ji, what happened?" Nidhi asked as she hurried towards Jeevika.

"It hurts.." Jeevika said, clutching onto her slightly bulged tummy. Nidhi paled after hearing that.

There was nobody in the house. Dadi ji and Kalpana chachi ji had gone to the temple and Girish ji had gone to the market.

"Oh Jeevika ji!" Nidhi exclaimed helplessly. She hurried to the kitchen and quickly came back with a glass of water and made Jeevika drink.

"I will come just now, Jeevika ji." Nidhi said and hurried out of the house. She went near the security guard at the gate and asked him to get a rickshaw immediately, explaining the situation. She went back to Jeevika.

As Nidhi anxiously waited, her heart raced with worry for Jeevika. The security guard rushed back with a rickshaw, and together they helped Jeevika.

"Carefully, beta," the security guard urged as he helped Jeevika into the rickshaw. Nidhi supported Jeevika's trembling form, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty.

Once Jeevika was settled in the rickshaw, Nidhi quickly climbed in beside her, her hands gripping Jeevika's tightly as they sped towards the hospital.

With each passing moment, Nidhi's worry grew, and she frantically tried to call Siddharth. However, her attempts went unanswered, causing a knot of dread to form in her stomach. She then dialled Mukul and Ansh repeatedly, but their phones remained unanswered, adding to her frustration and panic.

So she called Swati and briefed her about the happenings of the day and asked her to inform Siddharth immediately.


As Swati attempted to enter the conference room, she was met with resistance from the new receptionist, Richa.

"I am sorry, but I can't allow you to enter without permission," Richa said firmly, blocking Swati's path.

"But this is urgent! It's about Jeevika Ma'am," Swati pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation.

Richa, who was new to Rey Designs, had no idea how important Jeevika is, so she refused outright.

Hearing the commotion outside, the door to the conference room swung open, Siddharth, Mukul, and Ansh emerged, their faces drawn with annoyance.

"What's going on here? What are you doing here, Ms Sharma." Siddharth demanded, his voice tight with annoyance at being disturbed during an important meeting.

With a sense of urgency, Swati quickly briefed him on Jeevika's condition, her words causing colour to drain from Siddharth's face.

Frantically, Siddharth reached for his phone, only to be met with a flood of missed calls from Parinidhi. His heart clenched with worry as he realised the gravity of the situation.

"I need to get to the hospital," Siddharth declared, his voice trembling with emotion.

Ansh, sensing Siddharth's distress, immediately took charge, ushering him into the passenger seat of his car. With a determined expression, Ansh slid behind the wheel, fully aware that Siddharth was in no condition to drive.

As the car sped towards the hospital, Siddharth's mind raced with a thousand fears and uncertainties. He couldn't shake the image of his beloved sister in distress, and the thought of Parinidhi's frantic calls only added to his turmoil. It must be something very serious.

'Please keep my di safe..' He kept chanting in his mind.

He dialled Nidhi's number multiple times, but she was out of network coverage.

Meanwhile, outside the hospital, Nidhi anxiously paced the waiting area, her heart pounding with worry for Jeevika. She saw that her phone had no signal and moved to a different area and dialled Swati's number, her voice trembling with emotion as she relayed the situation.

"Swati, we are at the hospital. Jeevika ji is in the emergency room," Nidhi said, her words rushed and breathless.

"I already informed Mr Rai. He is on his way there," she said, her voice filled with compassion.

As Nidhi waited anxiously for news, a nurse emerged from the emergency room, her expression grave.

"Miss, we need to get the medicines and supplies from the pharmacy. Please bring the medicines and all listed in the prescription." The nurse said, her tone urgent as she passed on the prescription sheet to Nidhi.

Nidhi's heart sank as she realised she didn't have any money with her. Desperate to help Jeevika, she made a split-second decision and removed her gold bangle, offering it to the nurse.

"I will pawn this for the bill. Will you take this and give medicines?" Nidhi asked resolutely, her voice firm despite the fear gnawing at her.

"The hospital won't accept anything other than cash or card. Whatever it is, you have to do it immediately. There is a moneylender across the road. He will take gold as collateral and pay you. Hurry up." The nurse said and Nidhi immediately hurried to do the same.

Inside the car, Siddharth's anxiety reached a fever pitch as they neared the hospital. His hands clenched the seat belt tightly, his mind consumed with worry for Jeevika, his beloved sister.

As they pulled up to the hospital entrance, Siddharth wasted no time in leaping out of the car, his heart pounding with fear and anticipation. Ansh followed closely behind, his expression mirroring Siddharth's concern as they rushed towards the emergency room.

By the time Sid had reached, Nidhi was back with enough money to handle the hospital expenses at the time. Nidhi's heart leaped with relief as she saw Siddharth and Ansh entering the hospital. She rushed to meet them, her eyes pleading for answers.

"Siddharth ji, I tried to call you," Nidhi said, her voice trembling with emotion.

Siddharth's eyes softened as he took in Nidhi's scared expression, his heart clenching with a mixture of gratitude and guilt.

"How is di? What exactly happened?" Sid asked anxiously.

"I don't know what exactly happened. I heard her painful cry and rushed out of the study only to find her kneeling on the floor clutching on her belly. I was so scared. I had no idea what to do. There was nobody home. With the help of Rajan kaka, I got a rickshaw and brought her here." Nidhi said and Sid ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"What did the doctors say?" He asked.

"They didn't say anything yet. They are examining her and I just got the medicines for her." Nidhi said and just then the emergency room opened and a doctor came out.

Three of them hurried towards the doctor.

"Doctor, how is my di and her baby?"


Here goes the next shot..

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