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Parinidhi pov!

The Raichand Family was hosting a party tonight and Jeevika ji asked me if I could help out with organising parties. Well, I am her personal assistant, but hosting a house party was outside my job profile. But I am here, since she requested, even though I have no interest in being here.

It has been a month since Jeevika ji rescued me from that rakshas. It has been a bittersweet thing over all. I was relieved when I realised I don't have to bear with his atrocities anymore. But at the same time, I was disappointed too. I didn't understand the reason for my disappointment.

And two weeks ago, I submitted my resignation. Now, I am serving my notice period. My heart skipped a beat when I remembered the incident that led me to resign.

Don't think about it Nidhi..

Siddharth Singh Raichand!

The man of my dreams! Well, not exactly dreams. Nightmares maybe! The man whose mere sight makes my heart beat crazily. The man who, with a single stare, makes me shake all over.

I took deep breaths and shook my head, trying to focus back on my work.

Jeevika ji has asked me to check the poolside and see if all the arrangements were made. The pool side was decorated beautifully, with fairy lights all over.

I looked towards the door that opens directly into the pool. That door leads into the devil's lair.

Siddharth Singh Raichand's bedroom.

Nidhi! Stop thinking about him.

He belongs to someone else.

I was about to go back into the house, where the party was in full swing when I noticed a part of the fairy light string had come off from where it was stuck.

"Uh oh!" I looked around and smiled triumphantly when I saw the wooden table and chair set on the other side of the pool.

I looked around once more and made sure the rakshas wasn't anywhere around. If he sees me getting on that table, he would probably chop off my head. It is the wooden set where he sits and works when he is tired of his office and the study in their home.

I quickly dragged the wooden table towards the faulty fairy light area and climbed on it.

I raised my toe tip trying to reach it.

"Damn! I can't reach it even when I am standing on a chair. I should have drank milk when Maa forced me during my childhood, instead of always forcing it down my sister's throat once Maa is out of sight. If I had drunk that milk, maybe I would have gotten a bit taller than my five foot two inches." I muttered to myself as I continued trying to reach the spot where I have to fix the fairy light that is hanging loose.

I could feel the chair going unsteady with all my movings.

Try once more, Nidhi. If it fails, you can always call Girish Sharma, the man Friday of the house, to help you out.

"What the hell are you doing?" The booming voice came just from behind, startling the hell out of me.

"Ahhhh," I screamed as I lost control and fell from the table.

I closed my eyes tightly, waiting for the impact of embracing the hard floor, but I never reached the floor. I slowly opened my eyes and my gaze connected with the golden amber gaze of none other than Siddharth Singh Raichand.

I was in his arms, and he was staring at me with such an intensity that I felt myself shuddering in his arms.

What is it about him that makes me so....

I could feel his palm so close to the left side of my bosom and the very thought of a man's hand anywhere near there made me quail.

"What the hell do you think you were doing, Ms Vyas?" Siddharth Raichand asked huskily, his intense eyes still trained on my face.

"I- Jeevi- fairy lights." I stammered with the words and Siddharth raised an eyebrow at me.

"Do you have problems with speech, Ms Vyas? I know you have a tongue longer than your entire height. Why are you stammering now?" Siddharth asked and I glared at him angrily.

How dare he make a comment on my height.

"Don't make fun of my height." I said angrily.

"What if I do?" He asked back in a challenging tone.

"LET ME DOWN!" I demanded furiously and he let me down on the floor, every inch of my body sliding against his as he did so.

I sucked in a sharp breath as I felt my bosom brush against his hard chest.

As Siddharth Raichand set me down on the floor, I tried to regain my composure, my cheeks burning with embarrassment and anger at myself for getting into such a situation. He stood there, towering over me, his piercing gaze never leaving my face. I could feel his eyes probing into mine, as if he were searching for something.

I tried to move back, but I couldn't. A strand of my hair managed to curl itself around a button of his shirt.

"Ahh.." I winced as I tried to pull my hair. It was entangled around the shirt button. How the hell did it manage to do so in such a short span of time?

"Careful.." Siddharth ji said in a husky tone, as he tried to disentangle the troublemaker hair strand.

We were standing so close that I am sure he was able to hear the loud thudding of my heart against my ribcage. I gulped as I took in the musky scent of his cologne.

With slow and deliberate hands, he disentangled the naughty strand of my hair and I sighed in relief, thinking that I could finally get away from his dominant presence.

As I was about to turn around and go, Siddharth ji pulled me back. With the sudden pull, I fell against him, with my back touching his chest.

"What are you doing?" I asked, feeling my mouth go dry as one of his hands snaked around my waist.

Without speaking a word, he moved my long tresses onto one side of my shoulder. My breathing wavered.

What the hell is he doing? And why the hell am I simply standing here and letting him do all this.

I felt a coldness against my neck and saw that he was fastening the hook of the chain around my neck.

My eyes widened in surprise seeing the familiar pendant lying so close to my chest.

My favourite chain and pendant. The one I lost a couple of months ago! On the very first day I came to this house with the sweets for the pooja. The one Divya Maa gave me all those years ago.

"Where did you get this from?" I asked as I turned around in his arms.

His golden amber gaze was fixed on my face and I again felt my heart beat picking up its pace.

As if it slowed down ever since he caught me in his arms.

When his intense gaze became too much for me to bear I took a step back and he took another step towards me. This happened a few times and I ended up being cornered against the wall.

His hand cupped my jaws and I looked into his passionate gaze.

His head bent down gently and we were a breath apart.......


Oops! A one month leap..🙈

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