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Third person's pov!

A week passed by after the haunted party night. As soon as the party had ended, he had made it clear to Bhavna that theirs would be a convenient marriage and that there would be no love featured in it. He gave her a choice to back out if she cannot accept his conditions, but she had accepted.

But Siddharth Singh Raichand never found the peace he hoped he would find once a certain Parinidhi Vyas disappeared from his life.

He only grew more restless. His waking hours were spent wondering what she was doing. Or how she is? His sleeping hours were taken over by the dreams of the same girl.

He hated it.

He absolutely hated it.

The whole mess is a nightmare!

A beautiful nightmare, his heart whispered.

Siddharth shook his head to get rid of the wayward thoughts.

He still remembers the day after the party night.

He had been waiting for Parinidhi to come after all those words he hurled at her.

But what happened was anticlimactic.

They all were having breakfast when Bhavna asked the question that he was dying to ask.

"Di? Parinidhi is late today? Did she tell you anything?" Bhavna asked in a casual tone as Parinidhi was usually very punctual about reaching for the job.

Siddharth's ears perked up listening to the name Parinidhi and he had been waiting for his sister's response.

"No Bhavna. She hasn't called me yet. Let me call and check what is delaying her." Jeevika said and dialled Nidhi's number. Siddharth anxiously waited for her response.

He only heard his sister's side of the conversation, but it was clear as water that Parinidhi wasn't coming back.

"What happened, di?" He couldn't stop himself from asking. He wanted to know.

"She said her job is over. She isn't coming back it seems." Jeevika said in disappointment.

Siddharth waited for the peace to come. For the happiness to rush in.

But it never happened. He only grew more restless.

"Job is over? How can she say that? We are the ones paying her salary. So it is up to us to decide whether her job is over or not." The egoist in Siddharth Singh Raichand lashed out.

"She submitted her resignation earlier itself, Bubba. She was here on notice period for the last two weeks. Now that it is over, we cannot force her to come back.." Jeevika said.

"What do you mean by she submitted her resignation? How could she do that? And you, di, you didn't find it necessary to let me know? How could you accept her resignation? Who gave you the right? She is my employee, it should be my decision." Siddharth lashed at his sister for the first time in his life, leaving everyone stunned.

Siddharth Singh Raichand fighting with his beloved sister. That too over a girl he supposedly hates.

"Sid, what happened to you?" Bhavna asked, confused.

"Never mind. I am leaving." With that said, he had walked out of the house leaving his whole family in confusion.

And now, a week later, nothing really changed.

His sister and grandmother have been pestering him to confirm the engagement date.

An engagement he announced for the sole purpose of pushing Parinidhi out of his life.