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Third person's pov!

"And you just met a Rakshas a few days ago!" Ansh said with a mischievous smile.

"Oh my god! You found out that too. I really saw Rakshas. A total monster." Parinidhi let out an exasperated sigh, shaking her head in disbelief.

"You have no idea, Ansh ji. He is insufferable," she groaned, her frustration evident in her tone.

Mukul and Ansh exchanged mischievous grins, silently encouraging Parinidhi to vent her grievances.

"He is so full of himself, Mukul ji. And his arrogance knows no bounds," she continued, her voice tinged with irritation. "The way he looks down on everyone with that condescending smirk of his... It is so darn infuriating!"

Ansh chuckled sympathetically, nodding in agreement.

"And don't even get me started on his high-handed methods," Parinidhi added, her annoyance bubbling to the surface. "He acts like he is the king of the world."

Mukul nodded in understanding, offering Parinidhi a supportive nod.

"I can imagine how frustrating that must be," he empathised. He clearly knew how high handed he could be.

"But worst of all, Ansh ji," Parinidhi continued, her voice dropping to a whisper, "is his prejudiced mind. The way he judges people without even giving them a chance... It's like he is living in his own little bubble of privilege and entitlement."

Ansh and Mukul exchanged glances, sensing the depth of Parinidhi's frustration.

"He is such a toxic man, I tell you." Parinidhi lamented, her eyes reflecting a mix of anger and disappointment. "But mark my words, I won't let him get to me. I will show him that I am not one to be underestimated."

"I seriously hope Sid doesn't find out that she works here." Ansh whispered in Mukul's ears.

"We have to work hard to ensure that these two don't cross paths. You know how Mr Raichand is. He will make Nidhi's life a hell here if he finds out." Mukul whispered back.

"Why are you two whispering?" Nidhi asked suspiciously.

"Oh, we were just saying what a terrible man he is.." Ansh said cheekily and Nidhi nodded her head, agreeing to his words.

"That he is.."

"Okay, Nidhi. It was really nice meeting you here. We really had fun." Ansh said and Nidhi beamed.


Siddharth's pov!

I stepped out of the elevator and walked briskly towards my cabin. Mukul hurriedly walked beside me, reading out my schedule for the day from his iPad.

"Postpone the investors meeting to the next day and slot in a designers meeting instead. All the designers should be present during the meeting. The HR team and PR team should also be there. The meeting should start in ten minutes. Am I clear?" I asked coldly as I settled on my revolving chair in the cabin.

"Yes, Mr Raichand. On it right away." Mukul said and left the cabin.

Finally, everything has been taken care of at Noor Mahal. In a few months, it will be ready to hold the biggest fashion show of the year.

"Sid! You are back.." Bhavna barged into my cabin with a wide smile.

"Bhavna, don't you know you should knock before entering somebody's cabin?" I couldn't hide my annoyance at her behaviour and saw her smile dimming at my attitude.

Do I care? No!

"I was just excited and I forgot. I am sorry, Sid." Bhavna said, forcing a smile and I shrugged it off.

"Is there anything important, Bhavna?" I asked, my eyes on my Macbook screen.

"Uh! It has been two weeks since we met. So, I was dying to see you.." Bhavna said in a sultry tone, as she walked around my desk and came near me. She leaned down and placed an open mouthed kiss on my neck.

And for some bloo*y reason, it was Parinidhi's face that flashed through my head. The dream I had about her kissing me.

Damn it!

And on a reflex, I pushed Bhavna away, shocking her.

"Sid!" She exclaimed in horror, probably seeing the anger on my face.

"This is an office, Bhavna. There is a decorum to keep here." I said coldly and saw Bhavna's face crumble.

"I am sorry, Sid.."

"There is a meeting in ten minutes. I want your team to be there too. Now LEAVE!" I said coldly and focused back on my laptop screen.

I could feel my blood rushing south once again as the memory of that f*cking dream hit me again!

Damn! Damn! Double damn!

How the hell can a dream have such an effect on me? And that too that girl. Pari!

Damn! Why the hell am I referring to her as Pari. It's Ms Vyas for you, Siddharth. Ms Parinidhi Vyas!

Parinidhi F*cking Vyas!

Try as I may, I was unable to focus on my laptop again.

"Mr Raichand, the conference room is ready and all the members are present there." Mukul informed me through the intercom and I walked briskly out of the cabin.

As I entered the conference room, silence fell upon me.

"We are launching our newest collection in eight months. And I am planning to hold the fashion event in Ratnagiri. In my family home there. The place will be ready in a couple of months. The PR team, I want you to focus on giving the place an intriguing and mysterious outlook through social media. And the HR team should focus on hiring out temporary employees if needed for this event. This is going to be the biggest fashion event of India and I want every single one of you to give a thousand percent to this. Am I clear?" I asked and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Bhavna, where is the catalogue of the new collection?" I asked.

"Uh! It is in my cabin. I will ask someone to get it right away." Bhavna said and messaged someone to bring the catalogue immediately.

"I want absolutely no mistakes to happen when it comes to this event. This is going to be the biggest event our company has hosted ever. No mistakes means absolutely no mistakes!" I warned everyone.

"Here's the file, Ms Chavan." The conference room door opened with a bang and a woman came in with a cheerful smile on her face.

My eyes widened seeing Parinidhi F*cking Vyas there.

Am I bloody hallucinating?

I rubbed my eyes and shook my head before looking in that direction once again. She hadn't vanished. She was standing there, with that annoyingly wide smile on her face intact.

How the hell can someone smile so widely?

"You?" My booming voice echoed across the room, earning her attention and she looked at me and her eyes widened in horror as she took in my presence.

"What the hell are you doing here? Are you stalking me, Mr Raichand?"


Here goes the next shot!

Let's wait for the next nok Johk between Sid and Nidhi...

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