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Siddharth's pov!

I was forced to make polite conversations with the guests gathered around my house. If curt nods and occasional glares could be considered as polite conversations, that is.

"Sid, how does this dress look on me? Don't I look pretty?" Bhavna asked, as she looked hopefully into my eyes.

I simply nodded my head.

Bhavna Chavan was back in my life...

Bhavna was a closed chapter. Everything had been going well.

Until my grandmother happened to see a particularly nasty article in the tabloids with a photograph of Bhavna coming out of an OB Gyn's clinic. The article went on and on about the speculations regarding whether Bhavna could be pregnant with the fashion mogul's child.


Bhavna had a problem with polycystic ovaries and she had been under medicines for years. She has regular check ups with her doctors, as she told me once the article went viral and I confronted her why she was at the clinic.

Anyways, tabloids weren't interested in Bhavna's medical conditions. All they wanted to know was whether the HR manager of Rey Designs is pregnant with the CEO's child.

And my grandmother who saw the article demanded to be introduced to Bhavna. And since Bhavna belonged to a wealthy family with a good heirline, my family took to her quickly.

Everything went out of control after that.

My grandmother emotionally blackmailed me into submission and I had to pretend to agree to marry Bhavna. She wanted me to make an honest woman out of Bhavna after having her name being tarnished in the tabloids with mine.

This is the side effects of being born into a traditional Indian family and having very conservative family members.

I even doubt my cousin brother is still a virgin, waiting for the one and to be married before exploring the wonder world of s*x.

The truth is that dadi took it as a chance to tie me down. But she doesn't know me well. I brought Bhavna here, only after making it clear that this is all an act. I was paying Bhavna handsomely for pretending in front of my family.

But what annoyed me the most was the way she looked at me when the news went viral.

No! Don't think about her, Sid! She is no one to you! What she thinks doesn't matter to you! Shouldn't matter to you..

My phone rang at the exact moment, giving me a reason to excuse myself out of the party without my sister eating my head off.

"Yes, Mukul." I said as soon as I attended the call.

"We got a call from D Fabs. They are sending a representative from the US. Lakshit Mittal. He would be in charge of setting up their showroom and office in Mumbai. We are to liaise directly with him and help him with the procedures. Our representative has already settled in the US and he will be starting work from Monday." Mukul said as I walked towards my bedroom.

"Al right, Mukul. Keep track of everything. This is our opening into the American fashion hub." I said and hung up the call after giving him a couple more instructions.

I sighed as I locked my bedroom door.

Finally, an escape from all the drama downstairs.

What I need right now is fresh air. Else, I will go mad with all the emotional turmoil I have been through the last one month.

I opened the door that led into the pool side and stopped in my tracks at the sight that was welcoming me.

I sucked in a sharp breath, when my eyes zeroed in on the figure standing on tiptoes on my garden side wooden table.