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Third person's pov!

Ansh kept staring at Parinidhi Vyas, until the elevator doors closed, taking her out of his sight.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts and rewound what just happened a moment ago.

Parinidhi Vyas just joined work at Rey Designs.

Damn! This is going to be a problem.

Sid would definitely blow up when he finds out. How the hell did she even find a job here? And what made her apply for a job in Sid's company, when they clearly didn't have a good start? Ansh felt like pulling his hair.

As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, he rushed to find Mukul.

"Mukul.." Ansh called out loudly, earning the attention of Mukul and the people around him.

"All okay, Ansh? Why do you look panicked?" Mukul asked, as he approached Ansh. Ansh pulled Mukul into his cabin, shocking him.

"What is wrong?" Mukul asked curiously.

"Trouble!" Ansh said, as he sat on his chair with a sigh.

"What trouble?"

"Parinidhi Vyas just joined our company today." Ansh said.

"What's the big deal? Rey Designs is a huge empire. Many new appointments are made in a day. It is common- wait? What name did you just say?" Mukul asked, his eyes ready to jump out of the socket.

"Parinidhi Vyas." Ansh said and Mukul's heart skipped a beat.

Mukul immediately made a couple of calls to gather whatever information he needed.

"She was appointed directly by Parth. We cannot interfere, as Jeevika Ma'am specifically asked Parth to take her in. The contract is already signed and registered." Mukul said and Ansh cursed under his breath.

"Damn! This is going to be an issue. What can we do now?" Ansh asked, rubbing his temple.

"All we can do is to work hard to keep her out of Mr Raichand's sight. By the way, how is she?" Mukul asked cheekily and Ansh grinned.

"Honestly? Outrageously gorgeous. Though she has not a single fashion bone in her, she can definitely stop the traffic with just her pretty face." Ansh said, remembering Parinidhi's gorgeous face.

"Man! I want to see her too. And she had rattled Mr Raichand. She must be quite something if she managed to do that to the always in control Siddharth Singh Raichand." Mukul said thoughtfully.

"You are right. She has managed to really piss him off. God knows what she did to get on his nerves like that.." Ansh said.

"Let's go and see her once. I am curious." Mukul said and both Ansh and Mukul went out of the cabin.


As Nidhi and Alex turned around a corner, they bumped into two men and Nidhi was surprised to see one of them.

"You? Again? What a surprise, Mr Trivedi.." Nidhi chirped happily.

"Hey! it's Ansh," he corrected with a grin. "And this is Mukul, the CEO's personal assistant and my close friend."

Mukul nodded politely, offering a warm smile.

"Nice to meet you, Parinidhi."

"Hey! You know my name?" Nidhi asked in surprise and Mukul bit his tongue.

"Uh! Ansh mentioned the new recruit when we came to this floor." Mukul said.

"Oh! So, what brings you both here?" Nidhi asked curiously.

Ansh chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Actually, we were just curious to meet the newest addition to the Rey Designs family." Ansh said and Nidhi frowned at the two men, who looked puzzled and were talking in a totally unrelated way.

Mukul said Ansh mentioned her when they came to this floor and Ansh just said, they came to this floor to meet her.


"And Ansh here wanted to introduce me to the infamous Parinidhi Vyas." Mukul added.

"Infamous, huh? I am not sure if I should be flattered or offended." Nidhi said, genuinely confused.

Ansh chuckled.

"Trust me, it's a good thing. You have already made quite the impression with your non-stop chattering with Ansh." Mukul said.

"Ms. Chavan has instructed me to explain some things to Parinidhi." Alex interjected, before Nidhi could respond.

Ansh exchanged a knowing glance with Mukul before addressing Alex.

"Actually, Alex, I will take care of that. You can let Ms. Chavan know that Parinidhi is in good hands."

Alex looked taken aback, clearly surprised by Ansh's intervention.

"But sir, I was instructed—"

"I understand, Alex," Ansh interrupted smoothly. "But Parinidhi is our responsibility now. You can trust us to handle it."

Alex excused himself, but not without a lingering glance back at the trio. As he walked away, he couldn't help but mull over Ansh's intervention. Ansh's behaviour seemed odd to him. Why would the systems head and the CEO's assistant be so willing to show an errand girl around?

Shrugging it off, Alex chalked it up to Ansh's penchant for flirting. After all, Parinidhi was undeniably gorgeous, and Ansh had always been a bit of a ladies' man. It wouldn't be the first time he had seen Ansh go out of his way to charm a pretty face.

With that thought, Alex pushed the matter to the back of his mind and focused on his own tasks for the day. Little did he know, there was more to Ansh and Mukul's interest in Parinidhi than met the eye.

Ansh and Mukul led Parinidhi through the bustling halls of Rey Designs, enjoying her animated chatter and infectious energy. They showed her the various departments, introducing her to key members of the team and answering her questions along the way.

"By the way, Mukul ji is the CEO's PA. What is your job here, Ansh ji?" Nidhi asked curiously.

Ansh winked at Mukul and turned to Nidhi with a smirk.

"Actually, I do mind reading.." Ansh said and Nidhi's eyes widened in shock. Not at all an answer she expected.

"What do you mean?"

"I am appointed here, so that I can read the minds of the employees here and report them to the CEO, if any of them has any bad intentions." Ansh said, enjoying the various expressions flitting across Nidhi's face.

"No way! You are just teasing me.." Nidhi said, refusing to believe his claims.

"You want proof?" Ansh asked and again winked at Mukul, who shook his head, amused at Ansh's antics.

"Okay! Prove it!" Nidhi demanded and Ansh made a show of looking at Nidhi head to toe intensely.

"Parinidhi Vyas. Love cookies and cupcakes. You are your own best friend, one Ms Deepali taking the second place in the bestfriend's list. You love drooling over Indian TV actors Harshad Chopda and Parth Saamthan. And your all time dream is to have your prince charming come to you on a white horse, slaying dragons, and marry you.." Ansh said and Nidhi stared at him with open mouthed shock..

"How?" She found it hard to get the words out and then Ansh decided to burst the bomb.

"And you just met a Rakshas a few days ago!"


Here goes the next shot..

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