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Third person' pov!

Parinidhi was simply staring at the people, who were discussing some business collaborations.

For all she knows, they could be speaking a foreign language. Because she didn't understand a single thing they were talking about.

Also, the American slang of English was difficult for her to follow. She was amazed at the way Siddharth and Mukul spoke English so fluently and effortlessly.

She knows english. She had taken online spoken english classes through Youtube when she came to live in Mumbai with Bhadra Bua. She had believed herself to be an expert English speaker after attending the free youtube course. Attending this meeting was an eye opener. She just realised what she learned is nothing.

"Mr Will, since you will be in India for two weeks, we can decide on a date so that your team can visit Rey Designs." Siddharth said and as he spoke, Parinidhi couldn't help but stare at his lips.

Hey Bhagwan! What is happening to you, you idiot? She scolded herself, but the encounter she just had with Mr Raichand in the corridor shook her.

'From now on, you will keep your tongue in check. Or else, you will regret it.' His words rang in her head like an echo and the way he had stared at her lips when he said that.

She shuddered remembering his intense stare.

She didn't understand what was happening to her.

When he had held her and looked into her eyes today, she felt as if he could see straight to her soul. And that very thought had shaken her.

And her heart still hadn't calmed down after that encounter. She was scared if anyone else in the conference room could also hear her thudding heartbeats.

"If you are done daydreaming, come out." It was Mr Raichand's sarcastic words that brought her out of her thoughts.

The American company's team had already walked out and Mukul wasn't seen anywhere either.

It was only her and Siddharth in the conference room and her heartbeat picked up its pace when she realised she was alone with him.

Siddharth looked at her and saw her confused expression. During the entire meeting, he had seen her looking at him now and again. It was a task to stay focused on the meeting, when he knew her eyes were on him.

Siddharth's eyebrow arched in amusement as he observed Parinidhi's flustered state. It was evident that she was struggling to maintain her composure in his presence, and he couldn't help but find it amusing.

"Lost in your own little world, Ms. Vyas?" Siddharth asked, his lips quirking into a smirk.

Parinidhi's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she realised she had been caught daydreaming.

"I-I am sorry, Mr. Raichand. I was just... thinking," she stammered, her voice slightly shaky.

Siddharth chuckled softly, the sound sending a shiver down Parinidhi's spine. She had never seen him smiling or anything close to that. Whatever momentary lapse it was, he quickly composed himself and now he looks like his usual cold self.

"Well, I hope your thoughts were more productive than your performance in today's meeting," he remarked, with a hint of sarcasm.

Parinidhi bristled at his comment, her pride stung.

"I will have you know, Mr. Raichand, that I was paying attention," she retorted, her chin lifting defiantly.

Siddharth raised an eyebrow sceptically.

"Oh really? Because it seemed to me like you were more interested in staring at me than listening to what was being discussed," he countered, his gaze piercing as it bore into hers.

Parinidhi's cheeks flushed even deeper at his bold accusation, her heart pounding in her chest.

"That's not true!" She protested, her voice coming out louder than she intended.

Siddharth's smirk widened, enjoying the effect he was having on her.

"Oh, really? Then perhaps you can enlighten me on what exactly was discussed during the meeting," he challenged, folding his arms across his chest.

Parinidhi's mind raced as she struggled to recall the details of the meeting. But try as she might, all she could remember was the sound of Siddharth's voice and the way his lips moved as he spoke.

"I-I..." Parinidhi faltered, her confidence wavering under Siddharth's intense gaze.

Siddharth's smirk grew even more pronounced as he watched her flounder for an answer.

"That's what I thought," he said smugly, his tone dripping with superiority.

Parinidhi's cheeks burned with humiliation as she realised she had been caught out. She had been so focused on Siddharth that she had completely tuned out the rest of the meeting.

But she refused to let him see her falter. Straightening her shoulders, she met Siddharth's gaze head-on.

"Mr Raichand, my English isn't as good as yours. I found it hard to follow the way you spoke. That was the only reason why I couldn't focus on the meeting. Moreover, I had no idea what the meeting was about. I wasn't given any information regarding it. You had dragged me over here out of the blue." Nidhi said, with a defiant tilt of her chin.

"Oh my! Parinidhi Vyas accepting that she isn't good at something?" Siddharth asked sarcastically.

"I have no issue accepting it, if I don't know something, Mr Raichand." Nidhi shot back.

"And also, I wasn't simply daydreaming. I was thinking about a business idea, which could be beneficial to you too, Mr Raichand." Nidhi said and Siddharth looked at her curiously.

He was so sure that she had some stupid ideas cooked up in her head and for some reason, he wanted to know what it was.

"Oh? Beneficial for me, you say. Enlighten me, Ms Vyas." Siddharth said, folding her arms across his chest and leaning against the conference table.

"Well, I was thinking about starting a tea business in this hotel." Nidhi said and Sid stared at her in astonishment.

"Come again?" He asked, wondering if he heard it wrong.

"The tea they serve is terrible and they charge five hundred rupees for it. I make awesome tea, Mr Raichand. If you could help me get this business, I will sell tea for half the price they do and I can make a fortune out of it." Nidhi said very seriously and Sid bit his cheeks not to laugh.

"And what benefit do I get out of this, Ms Vyas?" He asked curiously. She did mention that it would be beneficial for him too.

"You could get rid of me easily.." Nidhi said with a shrug and Sid couldn't hold it in him anymore.

He burst out into laughter. He doesn't remember the last time he had laughed like this. But it felt so good to laugh with abandon.

Mukul, who had returned after sending off the clients, walked back in to find his always serious, always cold boss laughing like a maniac.

"Mr Raichand.." Nidhi hissed in anger, which only made Sid laugh more.


Here goes the next shot..

Just a clarification.. Nidhi might start feeling slightly attracted to Sid, but in no way she will fall for him soon. Sid will have a tough time wooing her. Since I read too much harlequin novels, I am kind of tuned to writing books with the couples feeling the attraction and s*xual tension from the very beginning..😌

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