Picnics, Pasteries, and ???? ❤️❤️

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Tw: The most tooth rooting fluff you have ever read

"Oda, where are you taking me?" Ango said, trying to remove the hand from his waist.

"You'll find out!!" Oda said, laughing, bringing Ango closer to him with the grip on his waist. Ango continued to try and pull away from his boyfriend's hold on his waist.

Eventually, Oda just picked him up and carried him bridal stlye. " Oda Sakunosuke! Put me down!" Ango yelled, face flushed at the sudden action.

Oda just laughed and just continued to walk toward the location of their date. When they finally got there, Oda gently placed Ango back on the ground.

"Close your eyes." Oda said, gently grabbing his boyfriend's hand. Ango closed his eyes, and Oda cautiously turned him around. Ango then opened his eyes, and he gasped at the sight in front of him.

"Oda, this is way too much!!" Ango said, hugging his boyfriend tightly. " Nothing is too much for you, Doll." Oda said, hugging Ango back tightly.

The scene in front of them was a picnic,with dozens of different pastries on the blanket and the perfect view of the sunset.

They both sat down on the blanket and began eating. "Where did you even get all of this!" Ango said, picking up a chocolate covered strawberry. "I may have asked Chuuya for help in making everything." Oda admitted, grabbing a cupcake.

Eventually, when they had both finished their desserts, they just sat there watching the sunset, cuddling, of course. However, after a couple of minutes, Oda stood up, dragging Ango up with him.

" Oda, what are you doing?" Ango asked, looking at his boyfriend curiously. Very slowly, Oda grabbed something from his pocket and dropped to one knee. Ango gasped lightly as Oda took his hand.

"Ango, I love you. I have loved you since the moment I saw you at Lupin. I have and always will love you no matter the circumstances. No matter what happens, no matter how many fights we have, I will always love you. And I promise to always protect you, even if I have to kill every person in this city to do so. I love you, Ango Sakaguchi, and nothing in this world will change that." Oda said, looking up at Ango from where he kneeled.

Ango was most definitely in tears at this point, just trying to wrap his head around everything that was happening.

"So, with that being said, Ango Sakaguchi, will you make me the happiest person in the world, alive or dead, and marry me?" Oda asked, squeezing Ango's hand lightly.

Ango was absolutely speechless. After a couple of seconds, he was finally able to give an answer.

The End!!

I'm just kidding...

"Yes!" Ango yelled, immediately hugging his fiance. Oda wrapped his arms around Ango and stood up fully, spinning Ango around.

"Oda!! Stop it!!" Ango said laughing, arms still around Oda's neck. Oda gently placed Ango down and softly grabbed Ango's hand. Oda shakily placed the ring on his new fiance finger.

The ring was stunning. It was gold with leaves on it, some with diamonds, some just gold, and a small diamond in the middle.

Ango hugged his fiance again, and Oda gently titled him sideways, having him kick one leg out. They both looked at each other with pure love and, slowly they both leaned in
to kiss one another.

Suddenly, a camera flash went off, and both men pulled away from the kiss to see, none other than Dazai, standing there with a camera in his hands.

"Congratulations!!!" Dazai yelled, smiling brightly. Both men just laughed and hugged each other again. Nothing could make this moment more perfect.

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