Panick Attacks Because of the Past❤️💔

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Info: Ango was given an object to find out its past. Accept when he touches it, he sees the most gruesome sight he's ever witnessed. He can't control his ability anymore. Everything he touches, he sees the past. Oda arrives just in time to help.

Tw: Gore and panick attacks.

"Sakaguchi-san?" Akio said, walking into Ango's office. "Yes, Akio?" Ango asked, placing down his pen. "Boss wants you to examine this knife. He says it was used in a case that we need solved ASAP." Akio said, handing the knife to Ango. "Alright. I'll make a report and give it to him." Ango said, taking the knife and placing it on his desk.

"Yes, sir." Akio said, walking out of the office. Ango was about to pick the knife back up when he heard his phone ringing. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and looked at the caller. He smiled softly as he answered the phone.

"Hey, Doll." Oda said from the other end of the call. "Hi, Hun." Ango said, sitting down on his desk. "Whatcha doin'?" Oda asked, sitting down in the cafe he was at. "Nothing much, just gonna examine this knife boss wants me to." Ango replied, picking up the knife once again.

"Sounds interesting." Oda said sarcastically, laughing as he heard Ango scoff. "Is there any particular reason you called or did just call to make fun of my job?" Ango asked, examining the knife curiously. "I wanted to know if you wanted to grab lunch at the cafe across the street." Oda said, "You know which one, right?".

"Yeah, sure, that sounds fine." Ango said, about to hang up the phone. "Can we still talk?" Oda said before Ango hung up the phone. "You can, but I can't since I need to use my ability." Ango replied, placing the phone on speaker. "K." Oda replied simply, "Have fun.". Ango rolled his eyes at the comment and placed the knife on his thigh. "Distribution of decadence." Ango whispered softly, touching the knife gently.

Blood. There is so much blood. There's blood on the floor, the walls, and even some specks on the ceiling. A man was standing there, holding the blood covered knife. In front of the man was a victim. It was a gruesome sight. The victim appeared to be a young woman. She was covered in her own blood. Her eyes were wrenched out of their sockets and were lying on the floor next to her. Her guts seemed to be spilling out of her as well.

Ango could see it all. Ango wrenched his hand away from the knife, and it clattered to the floor. His breathing was fast and shallow. "Doll? Is everything ok?" Oda asked, having heard his husband's breathing pick up swiftly and a clatter on the other side of the phone. Ango didn't reply. Instead, he just kept replaying what he saw over and over in his head. The girl couldn't have been over the age of 16. "Doll! What is going on? Are you ok?" Oda asked, panick evident in his voice.

Again, there was no response. Ango just sat there, reveling in the horror he had witnessed. "I'm coming over there, Angel." Oda said, walking out of the cafe and swiftly walking toward the building Ango was in. Ango slowly got up from the desk, attempting to stabilize himself by grabbing the desks edge.

Another tragedy struck his vision. An accident that occurred during production to make this desk. Another gruesome sight. Ango flinched away from the desk and backed into a wall. Yet another horror struck him as he saw the many people that fell off of this building during its construction. Ango slowly slid down the wall before bringing his knees up to his chest. If this had been like another office day, he may have been prepared for a gruesome sight.

But this wasn't a normal office day. He had been called in at the last second to help write reports. He wasn't even in his normal suit, just some slacks and a dark green button-up. His breathing had yet to normalize. It was still extremely fast and shallow. He felt like he was running out of oxygen.

His eyes began to well with tears as his mind kept replaying all of the gruesome sights he had witnessed. He felt like he would pass out any moment. Suddenly, his door swung open. Ango refused to look up, afraid he would be faced with his colleagues, or worse, his boss. The door shut quickly, and the intruder swiftly ran over to him.

"Doll! It's me! What happened?" Oda asked frantically, kneeling down in front of his husband. Ango looked up at the voice before breaking down sobbing. Oda immediately sat down next to Ango and pulled the man into his lap. "Calm down, Doll. Just breathe with me, okay?" Oda said, breathing deeply. Ango began to breathe with Oda, and slowly but surely, his breathing calmed down.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Oda asked, wiping away the leftover tears from Ango's face. "The knife." Ango whispered, closing his eyes as the memory played back in his head. "What about it?" Oda asked, hugging Ango tighter. "It was used in a murder, and it was horrible." Ango mumbled, attempting to wash away the memory of the girl, on the floor, covered in a pool of her own blood.

"Ok. Is there anything else?" Oda asked, knowing the knife wasn't just the cause. "It felt like it took away the control of my ability for a few seconds. Everything I touched, I kept seeing horrible things." Ango whispered, burying his face into Oda's chest. "Do you wanna go home?" Oda asked, kissing Ango's face gently. Ango nodded slightly before attempting to stand up. Oda just held onto Ango tighter and picked him up bridal stlye.

Once he was standing, however, he set Ango down onto his desk. "Which knife was it?" Oda asked, inspecting the several knives on Ango's desk, most likely from various cases. Ango slowly pointed to one, not daring to touch it again. Oda slowly picked up the knife and threw it across the room. "I needed that for the case." Ango whispered, shivering at the thought of having to touch the knife again.

"Like hell, I'm never going to let you even go near that thing again." Oda responded, hugging Ango tightly. Ango slowly hugged Oda back. Once they pulled away from the hug, Ango got off of his desk. "Can we leave now?" Ango asked quitley, so quite Oda barely heard it. "Yeah, yeah, let's go home, Angel." Oda said, wrapping an arm around Ango's waist. They both walked outside of Ango's office building together.

Once they reached outside, however, Ango shivered slightly. It was a chilly December evening and Ango and forgon a coat or jacket. "I told you to bring a jacket." Oda said smuggly, knowing he had been proven correct. "Shut it." Ango muttered, shivering again. Oda just rolled his eyes and took off his own tan trench coat. "Won't you need it?" Ango asked, hesitating slightly.

"I'm an assassin, Doll. A little cold won't kill me." Oda replied, draping the coat over Ango's shoulders. Ango put the coat on completely, and Oda couldn't help but smile. The trench coat was far too big for the smaller man. Ango was fairly shorter than Oda, so the coat went past his lower thigh. The sleeves were also too long before Ango rolled them up slightly. Oda wrapped an arm around Ango's waist as they continued walking.

"So what do you wanna do for the ret of the day?" Oda asked once they had reached their apartment. "Absolutely nothing." Ango replied as theybwalked into their home. Oda smiled and laughed softly. "Sounds like a plan." Oda replied, pulling Ango to him and kissing him gently.

I think this is one of my favs!!! I had so much fun writing this! I watch way too many crime shows, so I hope I didn't traumatized any of you!! Also, I'm thinking about a nickname I could call my readers, and I want you guys to pick one! My options are:

My Bookworms

My Rareshippers

My Shipkins (ship+ munchkins)

Let me know which one you guys want!!

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