NSFW Alphabet 💖

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A-Aftercare (what they're like after the act)

Ango would be tired and sore, so he just let's Oda do whatever he wants.

Oda would be extremely gentle and help Ango take a bath, and he would also change the sheets.

B-Body Part (Favorite body part of their lover)

Ango's favorite body part of Oda's would be his torso. He loves to trace his chest and abs whenever they cuddle.

Oda's favorite body part of Ango's would be his waist and hips. He loves to grab them and wrap his arms around them.

C-Coy (How flirty are they in bed)

Ango is not very flirty (he's too busy moaning 😏), but not during the act he may flirty a little bit.

Oda would be extremely flirty during and outside of the act. His favorite hobby would be to make Ango blush.

D- BDSM (How much they use it) (also yes I'm aware it doesn't start with a D fuck off I couldn't think of anything)

They wouldn't do anything related to BDSM. Ango may have a praise kink but other than that their sex is pretty low-key.

E-Experience (Do they know what they're doing)

Ango would not know what he's doing at first, but after a while, he got used to it.

Oda would be experienced. He's had sex with a woman before and is quite the pro at being a top.

F-Favorite Position (self-explanatory really)

Ango's favorite position would be missionary. He likes to pull on Oda's hair while getting fucked.

Oda's favorite position would be missionary as well. He likes to see Ango's face. He also likes to have Ango ride him sometimes.

G-Goofy (How serious are they)

Ango would be semi-serious. He would definitely laugh at Oda's flirting, but other than that, it's serious.

Oda would be a little goofy. He would flirt with Ango during a lot of it. He could also be serious if he really wanted to.

H-Hard (How hard do they go/want it)

Ango could go either depending on his mood.

Oda could go either way as well. He always asks what Ango wants before he starts.

I-intimacy (Romantic or dirty)

Ango would probably be a very in-the-moment romantic, could be dirty depending on the mood.

Oda would be very romantic during sex and always takes care of Ango after. Could be dirty, but usually not often.

J-Jobs (How often are they giving/receiving hand/blow jobs)

Ango would probably be giving blow jobs and receiving hand jobs. My man would not have a gag reflex.

Oda would be giving hand jobs and receiving blow jobs.

K-Kinks (what kinks they have)

Ango would have a small praise kink. Nothing like being called good boy (🤮) but like complements.

Oda would have a cross dressing kink. I know this is a little random, but one of my favorite smut situations is where Ango come home in a dress and stockings from a mission and Oda gets really turned on.

L-Location (Where they do it)

Both would do it in the bedroom or other places in the house (study, shower, etc.) they both do private sex.

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