Dates, Dinner, and Flowers❤️

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Flower Shop AU: Ango works at a flower shop, and one day, a man walks in, asking for advice on what

Ango was doing the same thing as every day. Arranging flowers, rearranging flowers, sweeping, and cleaning the floors of petals and leaves.

Of course, Ango loved his job, his employees, and his business. Sometimes, however, Ango got a little tired of the same thing every day. Today was just like any other day, or so he thought.

Just then, a man walked into the store. "Welcome to Persephone's Enchanted Garden. How can I help you?" Ango said, looking up to see who was there.

"Um, hi, I was wondering what flowers would be best to ask somebody out?" The man said. Ango, however, was stunned. The man in front of him was tall, redheaded, and extremely handsome. "Um, sorry. Do you know what kind of flowers this person likes?" Ango asked, walking toward the man. " Um, well. What do you recommend?" The man asked, scratching the back of his neck.

"Well, my personal favorites are a combination of pink dahlias, purple and blue stargazer lilies, and purple peonies." Ango said, picking up one of each flower as he said the names of them. Ango gently handed the flowers to the man, and he took them lightly.

"Uh, yeah, sure, let me get about 4 of each in a bouquet, please." The man said, handing the flowers back to Ango. "Oh yeah, sure." Ango said, grabbing more of the flowers.

Ango gently wrapped the flowers into a bouquet and handed them to the man. "I never did catch your name." The man said, handing cash to Ango. " I didn't throw it." Ango said, handing the man his change.

"Oh, come on, don't be like that. I'm Oda." He said laughing. Ango softly smiled and gently said, "Ango.". Oda smiled and said, "Cute.". Ango flushed a light pink and chuckled softly.

"What would you say about going to dinner with me?" Oda asked, leaning over the counter. "Are you asking me on a date?" Ango asked, leaning on the counter as well. "Well, I did buy you favorite flowers." Oda said, handing the bouquet of flowers to Ango. Ango laughed at this gesture and said, "You asked me my favorite flowers, just to ask me on a date with them?". "I saw you through the window and thought you looked cute." Oda said, flushing lightly.

Ango just laughed and said, "Yes, I will go out with you.". "Great, I'll pick you up at 6 for dinner." Oda said, smiling brightly. "Wouldn't you need my address for that?" Ango said, grabbing a pen and paper. "Oh, yeah, right." Oda said, laughing. Ango handed him a piece of paper with his address written on it.

As Oda started walking out of the store, he said, "Oh, and wear something nice on that delicate little body of yours.". Ango stood in shock as he watched Oda get into an expensive looking green Ferrari.

' Holy shit I'm going out with a rich guy. ' Ango thought as Oda waved at him from his car window. Ango softly waved back, his face still red from Oda's previous comment.

Three hours later

"What am I supposed to wear?!" Ango yelled at the other person in his room. "Dude, calm down!!" Ango's friend yelled, "Whatever you were, I'm sure you'll look hot!". "You don't understand, Ellie!! This guy practically undressed me with his eyes!! I need to look good!" Ango yelled frantically, going through his closet.

"Ok, well, how about something from my closet then?" Ellie offered, standing up from the bed. "Ok, deal." Ango said, following Ellie to her room.

Eventually, Ango settled on dark blue button up shirt, black slacks, and black boot heels. "Thanks Ellie your a life saver." Ango said, hugging Ellie. " Of course!!" Ellie said, just as a knock sounded on the door.

"Now go on that date with your rich boyfriend!!" Ellie squealed, pushing him towards the door. Ellie ran off into her room, and Ango answered the door. Ango opened the door, and there stood Oda.

He was dressed in a dark blue suit, a white button up, and a matching dark  blue tie. "Did you stalk me to too figure out what i was wearing?" Ango said laughing, softly interlinking his and Oda's arms.

"No, I just got really lucky I suppose." Oda said, walking Ango to his car. Ango laughed lightly and continued to walk with Oda. Eventually, when they got to Oda's car, Ango gasped. The car was a dark purple corvette, Ango's dream car.

"I don't suppose you got lucky on that too?" Ango said looking up at Oda. Oda just shrugged and opened the door for Ango to step in. When Ango got into the car Oda quickly walked around to the other side of the car and stepped in. Oda then started the car and began driving to the restaurant.

"You never told me where you're taking me." Ango said looking over at Oda. "It's an Italian restaurant." Oda said, "You'll like it.". Ango just smiled and gently grabbed Oda"s hand, letting Oda take him on their date.

Part 2?????

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