One direction adopted a vampire

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Hi my name is Reise and if you are wondering how to pronounce it is like Reece but its spelled reise if you spell it wrong I will bite your neck off . If your wondering how I will do that well I'm a vampire. Yeah it's pretty cool. I can jump real high. I run really fast and I have special powers. Somehow I have more special powers than any other vampire . But I can read minds I'm stronger than other vampires and I have more but I haven't been able to find out what they are . I only know that because my mom left me a note saying that. Oh yeah my mom and dad died. Also my sister and twin brother . Alex was my sister and Jason was my brother. I haven't found out how they died but my mom Sao in the note I will don out. So I'm a orphan . I have brown hair with caramel high lights. I'm eleven . If your wondering well vampires grow till they are twenty so that will look like that for the rest of there lives and I'm a really realł young vampire. I like all kinds of music I have brown eyes and some of my favorite singers is lil Wayne emenim and skillet.


Chapter one

"I FEEL LIKE A MONSTER . " my music blasted through my computer. Im listening to monster by skillet. Yes some of u might know that skillet is a Christian band and I'm a vampire. Well I'm a Christian vampire. Yeah I believe in god he is real . But I'm going to hell anyways so I do sin. So I'm listening to my music till Britney the girl who has in charge at the orphanage yells. "Reise turn that down its 10 pm time for bed." yay that means its time go me to go an get my food. I turn off the music and wait 30minutes till I think it's time for me to go . I open the window an turn off the lights . I don't need them vampires can see in the dark if they want to . I jump out the window and start to run real fast through the streets and I run so fast no one came see me.I find a dark ally behind a bar land in that. I walk out to the front of the bar and wait. Soon 3 men walk out totally drunk. I make sure they see me and follow me into the dark ally. I then stop and wait go them to grab me . After I feel them all wrap their arms around my waist I turn around and kick one guy in the nuts and then the others two. After they fall to the ground I go up to them and stare onto their eyes . I use my demon like voice and say "You will not scream. You will sit down and stay." then they said at the same time."I will not scream. I will sit down and stay." I picked the first guy up an push him to the wall . Since he is taller I push him back down and have him lay on his back. Get on my knees next to him and move his head. I make my fangs grow out and sink them in his neck. After I finish I do the same to the other two. When I'm done I wipe my mouth on one of the guys t shirts to get the blood off. When I'm done I jump on top of the bar roof and look around. I live I. Indiana so we dont have very many places to look at so I just run back to the orphanage and get in my room through the window and close and lock it. I change into my pjs and get in bed. I know what your thinking "what is she doing ? She's a vampire she don't sleep." well we do sleep . I close my eyes and feel myself fall into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up to my alarm going off. I hit an and I hit it to hard and it shattered to peices . "Shit." I grumbled . I got up and looked in the mirror . My hair was a bats nest.(teehee get it she's a vampire . I said bat . Yeah I'm not funny) I brushed threw my hair . When I was done I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth . I went downstairs and seen Britney at her desk on her phone. "yes. Mmhhm you should come today at 11pm." she said . She paused and listened to what the person said . "And you want to get 10 through 15 year olds. " "Ok. Bye" she Hung up and looked at me.

"It's 6:30 am what are you doing up?'' she asked.

"My alarm went off so I just came down here. Britney can I go ride my skateboard?" I asked.

"No . Sorry hun it's too early.''

"Ok." I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some carrots . Yeah vampires can eat real food. It's just the blood taste better , but I LOVE carrots . I walked back to the stairs an as I was walking up them Betty was waking past me and she stopped looked at me and said "Bitch." omg she does that everyday and I have had enough. I stopped looked her dead in the eye and said "You will go to your room find the old condom wrapper from you and jake from the other day and go tell Britney about you two." she walked to her room and I knew she was doing what I told her. Yeah I walked past her door and I heard some unpleasant sounds so yeah.

Betty came back out with the wrapper and I followed her downstairs. I sat down on the couch and smirked as I watched her walk up to Britney .

"Me and jake had sex the other day ." Betty Said and sat the wrapper in Britney's desk . "YOU ARE GROUNDED TILL I SAY YOU ARENT. GO TO YOUR ROOM AND DON'T COME OUT TILL I SAY SO." Britney yelled. Betty followed te orders and went to her room . Now it's time for me to play the innocent act . "Britney what was that thing that Betty did . She sai it was sex . What's that?" I asked in my fake baby voice but I know she beleived me. "it's nothing just drop it".

I got up and went to my room. When I got there I knew I wouldn't be able to go to sleep so I got dressed in some ripped skiny jeans and a shirt that says "I like boys who sparkle" Yeah it's hard for me to not like twilight some of that stuff is actually true. But when we see blood our eyes turn red and fangs come out. And vampires can be in the sun I don't know who made the whole turn to ashes thing but they are stupid. Anyways after I got dressed I went on my laptop and turned on my music. DROP THE WORLD by lil Wayne and emenim came on. I love that song . I started dancing around and singing with it "I GOT ICE INY VEINS . BLOOD IN MY EYES. HATE IN MY HEART . LOVE IN MY MIND." ............................"I'm gonna pick the world up and drop it on your fucking head." after the song was over I turned off the music and threw my empty bag of carrots away and looked at the time and it is 10:30pm. I went downstairs and I seen all the other kids at the orphanage down there .

"Everyone be quite I have an announcement ." Britney said And everyone went quite . "We are going to have guest soon so all the kids between ages 10 through 15 to stay here and everyone else go In Your room. " after all the other kids left besides the kid In The age group i sat in the couch and just relaxed after a little bit I heard a knock at the door . I got up and answered it since no one else would. When I did I seen five boys standing there . "Hi. Uumm you must be the people who are wanting to adopt." I said .

"That's us." said a guy with curly hair.

"well come in."

They all walked in and I shut the door. "Britney they are here."

"Ok. Thank you sweetie" Britney came an I sat on the couch . They went into a room and started talking . Betty's friend Mindy was next to me so I decided to read her mind. "Betty is so stupid . In five minutes she will so cry . I will laugh my butt off." Oh no . I know Betty is mean to me but I'm a nice person. I got up and went to Betty's room . She opened the door before I could knock .

"What do you want?" she asked rather harshly .

"Betty ,Mindy is planning to do something to make you cry . Please I'm trying to be nice so just come down and sit next to me."

"What? Reise that Is So a lie ."

"No it's not trust me ."

"Whatever." she followed me downstairs and sat next to me.

"Betty why don't you go to your room I have a surprise for you." Mindy said.

"No. " Mindy don't look happy but she shut up. "Thanks ." Betty said to me.

"Welcome." the five boys walked and they said "So who wants interviewed first?" all the girls except raised their hands. I hot up and left. I went to my room and got my book out. I'm reading "THE LAST OLYMPIAN." its a Percy jackson book. Right after I finished it I looked at the door an those five boys were there.

"So we want to interview you of that's alright?" the blond boy said.

"Uuhh sure."

They all sat on my bed and I say in my computer chair.

"What's your name ? What's your favorite color and band?" the boy with the really short hair asked

"Reise. Black or red maybe. And I like all kinds of music. " they asked me more simple questions really. After they left it was about 2:00 so I went downstairs to see them signing some papers.

"Ok. Ill jaw her pack and then you can leave." Britney said.


"Reise go pack your stuff these boys are adopting you." oh no.

"What? No I can't leave."

"Go pack your stuff now.

I stomped up the stairs and packed all my stuff. I went downstairs and then the boy with the brown fluffy hair said "Lets go ."

We walked outside and my stomach grumbled a little bit . "Hey guys can I just walk around town for a little bit to say goodbye."

"Only if one of us come with you." I'll let the curly guy go with me because I have a plan.

"Alright. How about curly?"

"Sure . " we put my things in the van and started walking. I made sure to walk us in the direction of a all day bar . "So what's your name?" I asked curly .

"Harry. Harry styles."

"Cool." I seen the bar and made sure we went in that direction . "Hey I forgot something at the store rift there will you go ask the person there if she or he has seen a watch with a skull on it."

"Sure stay right here." he walked inside. That idiot. I run full speed to the guy who just walked out of the bar and pulled him into the ally. I pushed him to the ground and put my hand in his mouth. I bit into his neck and drank. When I was done I wiped my mouth on his sleeve an ran back the the store. Right when I go Back Harry came out an said"Nope sorry."

"Ok. Oh well I'll just buy another one then." we started walking back to the boys . When we go back all the boys were on their phones . We got in the car and someone started driving .

"So Uuhh what's your guys names.".

"I'm Niall , that's Zayn , that's Louis , that's Liam , and he is Harry. " ok I got the names down. So they all got in their own conversation . We pulled up to a hotel. I got out and grabbed my bag full of clothes.

"So we had our hotel rooms next to each other and Liam I the only one that didn't have a room mate . Would it be alright if you slept on the couch? It's the kind were you pull it out and it's a bed." Zayn said.

"Sure." we walked inside and into the elevator . They clicked number 3 and we went up. It was silent in the elevator . When it finally dinged we all got out. I said goodnight to Louis , Harry , Niall , and Zayn .

Me and Liam made it to our room and turned the lights on. It was a nice room.

"So the bathroom is right there . Feel free to shower if you want ."

"Ok." I went into the bathroom and changed into my spongebob pajama pants and FALLING IN REVERSE t shirt. I brushed my hair and teeth , then walked out I walked out to see Liam standing by the bed with pajama pants on his hand .

"Nice batman pants." I said

"Thanks." he walked into the bathroom and I went to the couch. I pulled the cushions of and pulled out the bed. I grabbed one of the pillows off the bed and put it on the couch . Liam walked out without a shirt on. Well I'll just say it . It was pretty hard not to stair at his chest. im just being honest.

"Goodnight Liam."

"Night." he went and laid down in his bed and instantly fell asleep. I laid down for a little bit but couldn't sleep. I want to do some pranks or something. I wen to the fridge and seen whipped cream and chocolate syrup. I went and grabbed the room key. I went next door and slid the key through the thing. It opened and I went in an it was Niall and Zayn's room. I went over and put whipped cream all over nialls face. I put some chocolate syrup on it then did the same to Zayn. I went next door and did the same to Louis and Harry . I went back to my room and I seen Liam laying in bead tossing and turning. He was about to wake up do I ran to the bathroom and shut the door.

"Reise? What are you doing up."

"I'm using the bathroom." I said in a duh tone.

"Ok." I heard him walk back this bed. I opened the door a little bit as Liam was asleep again . I went over to him and put the whipped cream as chocolate on him. I then went To the bathroom and put the whipped cream on my face with the chocolate . I walked back the couch and laid down. I fell asleep almost instantly .

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