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OH MY GOD. WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO. I can feel my fangs growing out. I have to get out of here before i hurt one of the boys. I walked over to the window and opened it. Oh good its one of those were you climb out and you can sit or lay down. I have to use that sometime its really cool and got a good veiw.


Ok sorry what crawled up your ass?



Oh god im talking to myself . I climbed out and looked over. Its not a city . There are just a few houses. AND SOME WOODS THANK GOD. I need to start drinking animal blood and not human blood. I flew over to the woods.(SORRY FORGOT TO TELL YOU THAT I CHANGED IT AND VAMPIRES FLY) I landed in the middle of the woods and i can here a deer near by. I can smell its blood . I slowly walk to the nows so i dont make a noise. I got to be stealthy. I can see it now drinking from a small pond. I go full speed and grab it in my arms and we wrestle around for a little bit. I finally get to sink my teeth in its neck and i darin it dry. I walked a little bit more when i hear a growl behind me. I turn to see a huge grizzly bear. Good i can have dessert because im still hungry. I smirk at the bear and get ready to attack it.

Liam POV

Me and the boys are sitting in the living room talking about the surprise for Reise.I just know she is gonna love it.

"When are they gonna be done?" Harry whines.

"Harry probably by tomarow for her birthday. We called them the day we adopted her and they have worked on it non-stop they are working on it as we speak." I replied rolling my eyes.

"Yeah but nit is taking to long." Louis said .I rolled my eyes again.

'It cant just be finished in the matter of one day Louis it is probably pretty hard. And there is more than just that one room Louis thats just the main one."

"whatever but what are we gonna do with her tomarow? Like go out to eat then a movie or like the fair or something." Niall said. We all shrugged .

"What about school? The nearest one is Goode school(I made that up) So maybe there." I asked. all the boys nodded.

"Well boys its time to go to sleep . We have a big day ahead of us." I said and the boys nodded. We all got up and said our goodnights then went of.

I changed into my pajamas and i almost instintly fell asleep.

Reise POV

WOW that was some hunt. I have killed 1 bear , 3 deer , and 2 squirrel's. I am so full. I was walking along when i heard someone crying. Oh no did they see me kill those animals. I followed the crying and found a girl about 15 maybe 16 sitting by a tree.

I walked over to her and asked " Whats wrong?"

She looked up at me and motioned me to sit down . I did and sat next to her.

"Everything is wrong. I cant stand this I have been bullied and beaten my whole life. And when i finally find someone i feel like loves me and that i love he goes off and cheats on me. My parents just kicked me out of the house because they dont love me. i have no freinds at school and all the girls and boys in my grade beat me everyday. I JUST CANT TAKE THIS SHIT." she screamed the last part . This just breaks my cold dead heart . No one deserves this .

"whats your name ? " I asked her .

"Amber. Whats yours?"

"Reise."  she nodded then looked at me.

'I seen what you did. I know what you are.' I looked down. She is probably scared of me. I dont want her to be because she can be my friend.

"Your cared of me arent you?" I looked into her eyes and i didnt see fear. I saw facination.

"No . I think it cool." I smiled at her . but then i remembered something.

"You dont have a place to stay do you." she looked down and shook her head no. I sighed. The boys are gonna hate me for this. Unless i keep it a secret. I smirked . I stood up and held my hand out and she took it and i helped her stand up. I held her hand and pulled her to me.

"Hold on tight." i said. She wraped her arms around me and i shot up into the sky at a fast speed. I stopped in the middle of the air and looked around intil i seen the house. I flew over to it and stood on the roof. I looked at her and put my finger to my lips. She nodded then i stepped into my room and then Amber did.

"Follow me." I said and she followed me to the bathroom. I gave her a towel and rag and told her to take a shower while i find her some clothes.

"Thank you" She whispered. I nodded . Then walked out. I walked to the closet .Thank god i decided to get some big basketball shorts and baggy shirts. I grabbed a pair then walked to the bathroom and nocked then stepped in . Amber said she was done and i gave her the towel and the clothes then walked out. I made sure the door was locked then I turned on the tv and set the bed up . We can share the bed scince its huge. I had the tv on spongebob and waited for Amber to come out. She came out and i told her to lay down and she did. I walked over to my drawers and picked out blue sweat pants and a baggy white t-shirt. I walkked into the bathroom and changed and brushed my teeth. The boys had a un opened package of tooth brushes in here so I gave one to amber and she brushed her teeth. I walked back into the room and turned the lights off. I crawled in bed and then amber did and she instantly fell asleep. Not soon after i did the same.


HEY GUYS I UPDATED YYYYAAAAAYYYYY. What do you think the surprise is. Well gotta go bye sexy beasts luv ya

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