I'm sorry please forgive me

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Hey guys .

I know I haven't updated in a while but I have a few reasons

I might have depression.

And I have been crying myself to sleep for the past few days

And I know what you might be thinking "blah she just wants attention blah blah blah"

No actually I prefer having no attention drawn to me

Ecpesially now

I'm crying right now and I look like shit

But I honestly don't care at the moment

If you go to my school and your reading this and thinking "god she is only acting like this because of george stop crying over him he's just a boy god bitch"

Well no, I was like this before George , I just thought he was making my like better and he did for a while but when he cheated on me and called me a bitch and other shit , it just made it worse

And now here I am .

Crying so hard I am shaking and wobble when I try to walk and have a face as red as blood

But anyway I'm sorry please don't be mad at me

If your mad at me : ok I understand I used to people not likening me anyway

If you still love me and your still my sexy beast and I'm mamma beast and you understand : thank you and I love you

I'm sorry

I'll update soon hopefully........


~Mama Beast

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