Do they miss me ?

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CHASE'S POV(the boy Amber kissed)

my dream changed from the moment of my parents dying and me watching to a moment when mom was making dinner for the family. We may be vampires but we try to be as normal as possible. we never asked to be what we are.

I walked downstairs and walked into the kitchen. I couldsmell the food when i was in my room and i was guessing it was ham, turkey, cookies,chips, and many more. Mom had ivited the whole family to our house . She does that about once a year always on the same day. I guess its a tradition or something.

"Hey Chase i need you to carry the ham and the turkey to the table and ill carry the rest." Mom said "Ok." I grabbed the ham and turkey and balanced them on my arms and mom did the same but with so much stuff its not even funny. I carried the food to the table and sat it down in the center and rounded up the family teling them it was time to eat. There was over 200 people here!!!. I pretty much just shouted though the house that dinner was done. We have a really long table that seats most of the people. It was kinda like how a long table would be in a afiry tale or something. We also had a table for little kids to sit at. I honestly thing it is adorable. What mom did to make it was she took a long table and drew spongebob and all kinds of stuff on it and painted it. It looked amazing. In less than 5 seconds evryone was sitting down at the table. I looked at the table and seen a HUGE bowl filled with red liquid. By the smell it was giving off i knew it was one thing.......Blood.

"Ok everyone its time to say our prayiers." My grandma yelled. We all sat down and grabbed each others hand.

"Ooookkkk um.......PEICER" I looked at my sister and she quickly looked up from something in her lap.

"I SWEAR IT WASNT ME IT WAS MATT HE DID IT I SWAER. AND I WASNT PLOTTING A PRANK......By the way um dont go in the guest room that is made for Kleysyn hehe....I MEAN NOTHING." I rolled my eyes at her all the way down at the end of the table and grandma sighed "Oh what is it i didnt do?" Jesus even at the age of 5 she is evil.

"NOTHING your just gonna say the prayers."

"Oh...Well forget everything i said." She said and then we all bowed our heads and Peicer began

"Dear heavenly father um well we thank you for letting us get together. I know you may not like us for the demons that we are but we still love you. We thank you for letting us still be a family together and we are grateful for that........and please let the prank work....AMEN" I dont think we were sapposed to hear the part about the prank because she whispered it but that was funny.

Soon everyone dug in and my Papa went around giving everyone a cup of blood and passed food out ot the children. Everyone was so happy to see eachother. Well we only get to see eachother a few times a year because everyone lives in the U.K somewhere. We miss eachother so much.



I woke up on the gorund at about dawn. That was the best dream/memory i have had in a while. That happened about a week before my parents died. I remember how she talked to me about my mate. SHe said that my mate is like an angel, that she is really sweet and very beautiful. That just makes me feel like i am the only vampire wothout a mate. I dont deserve a mate. Im a demon, i kill people just to live. But i only kill the ones that have done bad things, like murderes, or rapists and so on so forth. GOD how i missed my family. I dont know where my faily lives exactly but it somewhere in the outskirts of England. They live in a big house because they all live together. I wish i knew where they lived so i could just be happy again. I wonder if they missed me. But they probably dontbecause i am just a nusence



I am going to start picking a comment from the chapter before each that i liked and post it on here and tell you stuff thats cool about it etc.

i am also going to start picking lyrics from a song that goes woth the chapter and putting it at the bottom . i am not gonna do the chaptert thing till next chapter.

lyrics for thhis chapter are

' When your gone the peices of my heart are missing you when you gone the face i came to know is missing too when your gone the words i need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok i miss you'

When Your Gone Avril Lavigne

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