he texted me

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HEY GUYS how it going. I dont really have much to say . But if you want you can kik me my username is reiseG27 and if you want you can follow me on twitter my username is @ReiseGray.

THIS CHAPTER IS DETICATED TO (drum role please)............................. yukiandzero. Me and her talked on kik and stuff and she seems pretty cool.


Reise pov

I woke up and looked over and seen Amber still asleep. I smiled at how peaceful she looked. I looked over at my clock and seen that it was 8 in the morning. The boys proably arent up yet. I got up slowly so i dont wake Amber up and walked out of the room. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen and made me a bowl of cereal.I sat at the table and ate in silence.

After i finihed eating i went back upstairs and grabbed a random book out of my stack. I looked down and seen i grabbed 'The Lightning Theif.' I sat down on the chair at my desk and started to read. I have read the book liike 5 times but i dont care.

  I had just got to the part were Percy and Clarisse fight at capture the flag when Amber woke up .

"What are you reading?" She asked.

"Percy Jackson and the lightning theif." I said without looking up.

"Your phone is vibrating." She handed me my phone and i looked and saw i had a text from .......Grant. I smiled and opened it. It said

' Hey wwwaaaazzzzzzz uuuuuuuppppppp'

i laughed and replied

'Hahahahaa reading. What bout you.'

I clicked send and put my book up.

"Who you texting?" I heard Amber ask. I looked down and bit my bottom lip.

"A freind."

"Is this freind a boy/" I could tell she was smirking.

"Uh...uh .... um..... CHAIR MODE ACTIVATED BOOP"  I ran vampire speed and hid under the bed. HAHAHAHA she probably didnt see me.

"Uh Reise what does chair mode mean." I got out from under the bed and facepalmed.

"How does no one know who pewdiepie is?"

"Screw it." I said and walked to the closet and got dressed in my Chuck Norris shirt and caprise. I brushed my hair and put it in a ponytail. i betthe boys are up now. I walked back into the room. I bet Amber gets bored up here.

"Hey amber do you have a phone?" She nodded.

"Ok well do you get bored up here?"

"A little.'

"Well if you want you can get on the computer anytime. The password is scruffy nerfhurter ." She looked at me weird then shrugged her shoulders. I smiled at her then walked downstairs and sall the boys all eating breakfast.

"Mornin." I said

"Goodmorning cupcake.' Louis said. I gave him a deathglare.

"Dont call me that."

"Who is ready to watch movies.'

"ME" We all yelled.

We walked into the livingroom and sat down.

"PERCY JACKSON " I yelled before anyone could say a movie. Liam got up and put it in.

"So whats this movie about." I sent harry a death glare and said "SSSSSHHHHHH"


we watched so many movies and me and Grant texted the whole time.The boys are about to fall asleep i can tell. I get upband tell the boys goodnight and head up to my room. Amber was watching some tv show and i went and changed into my pjs . I got in bed and then so did Amber .

"Good night." After i said that i instantly fell asleep

Adopted (By One Direction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora