A Pay Raise - ✔

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The next few days pass, and that's all I remember of them. Sometimes I'm at the hospital. Other times, I'm at home. Each morning is welcomed with vomiting, and every night begins in a nightmare. I feel out of touch with reality. The events of Fish's club play through my mind in a never-ending dream. As they do, I become more convinced to run from Gotham. I won't contact my brother, Carmine, nor my mother. I will simply disappear into nothingness. Maybe Metropolis is in need of nurses.

And then reality destroys my fantasies. I can't pick up and leave. Quitting the Falcone family is out of the question. I also can't stroll up to Jim and let him in on my double life. My life is out of my hands.

And for some reason, I decide to mull it all over in the worst place possible at Fish Mooney's club. Instead of it being Fish's, it's now Oswald's. The red neon fish has been replaced with a purple neon umbrella. The inside has also been redecorated. The once golden ambiance now flourishes with a purple, grunge look. Rock blares from the stage. Every note has a way of coursing into my veins to rejuvenate my spirits.

"Welcome to Oswald's." The bartender sets water on a coaster. "Are you ready to order?"

"Sure. I'll have a Vodka-Cran."

For one sweet, blissful moment, I allow myself to get lost in the music. The drum pounds through my chest, the bassist slaps his four strings, two guitarists riff off of the other's melody, the lead saunters around the stage as if he owns it. He's certainly owning that guyliner.

"Sera Gordon?" Oswald's voice causes me to jolt.

I take my drink as the owner of the club sits on the purple stool beside mine. "Hello, Oswald."

"I didn't know you frequented my club."

The bartender produces a bottle of champagne I can't even recognize and pours a generous glass for his boss.

"I don't," I clarify. "This is the closest place to my work."

"Oh is that it? I assumed you couldn't stay away from this place. It's an addiction, you see. Once you start with us, you can't stop."

It makes me sick to admit he's right. Why else would I return to the very building that hosts my nightmares?

His crystal blue eyes roll up to the ceiling. "Don't get so worked up, Sera."

The alcohol turns my face a slight shade of pink, thankfully. Maybe now I won't look so pale with fright.

"Oh you Gordons," he smirks. "You're so similar to your brother. Let the guess, you've thought about leaving Gotham. I really wouldn't blame you if you had."

"Where is this coming from? I think just a few days ago, you came to my aid."

"Oh, I'm not being hostile. When James so graciously saved my life, I thought of running away, too. I thought about leaving Gotham forever."

I hold on to his story with nervous excitement. "Why didn't you?"

"A number of things actually," he says. "My mother, mainly."

"I didn't know you had a mother."

"That's because you know nothing about me."

"Okay, okay. Continue."

"I came back for her. She lives in an apartment complex not too far from here. Who would pay her rent if I didn't? She's a retired seamstress." He waves off the topic, as it's too painful for him to get into. "I also came back because I had no other choice. Gotham is my home. It makes up who I am."

"Charming story, but you thrive off of chaos. I don't."

He laughs. "Don't you, Miss Double Life? Your brother is a cop, and you patched up Gotham's leading assassin for Gotham's biggest bad."

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