Under Siege - ✔

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My days seem to pass like months. Not only am I locked away in extreme solitude, but I also wait every day for the call. It'll be Butch letting me know that Oswald didn't make it out. Yet every time Penguin answers the phone, I'm relieved once more and talked off the cliff of despair.

There isn't much to do here, so I make myself keep a schedule. I start off the mornings with yoga and breakfast. After that, I compose daily observations in the journal Butch gifted me. Then I occupy my time watching TV, practicing my cooking skills, reading, and continuing my piano practices.

"I can't wait to be with you again," Oswald confesses one night."

"I feel the same way."

Apparently, Captain  Barnes is hunting him pretty hard. The GCPD urges the public to give up his location. They think he's responsible for the multiple murders of other politicians. Technically he is, but from my understanding, he's answering to someone else.

They've even busted up one of his money warehouses. It's a hard hit.

"They're getting closer and closer to you. You've got to get this under your thumb."

"I'm doing the best I  can. Listen, I called to tell you that Butch is undercover for me.  You're not going to be able to talk to him for a few days."

"Is he safe?"

"No one's safe, Sera. You're not going to be very happy with me, but—"

"What did you do?" I brace myself for the worst.

"I cut off his hand."

"Are you crazy? Have you lost your damn mind?"

"Well, that's the only way I can play off my paranoia! It's all a game to them!"

"I can't believe you did that! He's only helped you for years!"

"And he continues to do so. Don't forget he was once my enemy."

"Even still, he has been by your side. Who helped with the aftermath?"

"Loren. She wasn't happy with me, either. Unfortunately, Sera, I have more important things to be worrying about than my own lap-dog! My mother is at stake, here!  Nothing is more important than her."

"Don't call him that."

He inhales sharply, pausing to give up the argument. "Can I come to see you tomorrow?"

My heart softens. He's been trying to visit me for weeks. Has he finally caught a break?

"Of course. I don't have anyone else to keep me company."

The night is filled with unpleasant dreams. Penguin is in a city away doing who knows what,  Butch is in the clutches of the enemy without me, and Loren has been left to defend for herself in a position she isn't ready for. Somehow, I  feel like it's my fault.

My phone buzzes on the nightstand.


"Hey, Sera." It's Loren. "Is everything okay with you? I know Penguin said you got out of town, but I  wanted to make sure you're actually still alive after everything that's  happened here."

"Yes, I'm still alive."

"Good, because I need an explanation. Your boyfriend has gone off the deep end! He chopped off Butch's hand and—"

"I know. I can explain everything when I come back. For now, you just need to play along. You're not safe."

She sighs. "Where are you?"

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