Into the Dark - ✔

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I run out of the club to see if Harvey stuck around.

"Sera! It looks like you're in a rush. Did I catch you at a bad time?"

That's not Harvey.

"Hello, Don Falcone." I put on my prettiest smile. "Harvey Bullock was supposed to meet me here for a drink, but it seems I've been stood up."

There's no way he can even suspect Harvey knowing more than he should.

He pulls his coat further around his frame. That same fatherly grin plasters his wrinkled features. It just reminds me of how urgent it is that I get to Jim. "Never trust the police to be punctual. Come in, my dear."

I don't have the guts to tell him I've already spent the whole day here.

We step into Oswald's together. Immediately, I'm given the death glare by the owner. He doesn't even have to speak for me to comprehend what vile words he has planned. When he sees his boss, he pulls himself together. The hostility on his face completely disappears.

"Don Falcone, Dr. Gordon!" He invites us to sit. "Can I get you two anything?"

Our boss orders an expensive wine while I take a Coke.

"Won't you join us, Penguin?"

He starts to refuse, claiming that he doesn't want to intrude on our meeting.

"Come now, we won't take much of your time. Do you object, Sera?"

"Not at all, Mr. Falcone."

Oswald awkwardly shuffles in beside me. Like children, we face the biggest, most feared man in all of Gotham. My booth-partner gives me one last icy look before the boss begins. I retort it with my brightest smile.

"Let's begin with Sera." Carmine takes his time setting out multiple notebooks across the table. "Tell me about the clinic. How's it running in Numban's absence?"

"Perfect," I say as I fold my hands together. "I've performed every necessary medical procedure so I imagine everyone will be able to get back to work by Thursday."

"Well that's wonderful news! I was just about to say how impressed I am with your progress. You're quicker and far more thorough than our previous doctor. Aren't you impressed, Penguin?"

"Yes, Boss. We've seen more healthy men this week than we have in months."

"That does put a smile on my face," our boss says. "I believe I'm noticing a pattern here."

I turn to see if Oswald's noticed the same pattern. Evidently not.

"What pattern might that be?"

"Now I don't mean anything by this, but you two are making a very good team."

Cobblepot is just as confused as I am. "Oh?"

"But sir," I interject. "We rarely work together."

"Is that so?" He sips on the alcohol. "Everytime I come in here, you two are together. It just warms my heart to see two leaders in my family so devoted. It's setting such a good example."

My supposed partner and I exchange glances.

"Why are you telling us this?"

"Because it's something I want you to be aware of, something I want you to accept. It won't be long before Maroni pulls on the—"

Both Carmine's phone and my own buzz wildly on the table.

"It must be your mother."

"May I take it?"

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