Free Falling - ✔

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"You heard him," I say. "Let's go, men."

Jim texts me the location of an abandoned church now used by the St. Dumas clan, which is apparently Theo Galavan's real heritage. It's all Latin to me, but if it helps rid the city of that snake, I'm willing to do whatever I need to.

"I'm going to get Captain Barnes," Lucius announces. "We will join you at the stronghold. I trust you can get Harvey Dent?"

"I can. We'll make sure the building is secure like Jim said."

"Got it."

We part ways from the hideout. My troops and I drive over to the church while Loren sits in the passenger seat. I can tell she's uneasy at the idea.

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah," she says. "I'm just not so sure about this plan. If Galavan only has one stronghold left, wouldn't he guard it heavily?"

"Jim supposedly got rid of the muscle."

I send my thugs in first while Loren and I take up the back end, carrying our own guns. Everything is silent as our boys check each and every room. There's no sign of life anywhere. We creep through the stone pillars at the ready but find nothing. I have my people collect whatever evidence against Galavan that they can find and create a pile in the auditorium. Once I'm sure we're safe, the gunmen begin a rotation around the exits.

Finally, I feel confident enough to call up Harvey Dent.

"Sera? I'm happy to hear from you, but it's rather late—"

I take in a deep breath. "I have evidence against Theo Galavan."

"Sera, he was acquitted. I understand you want to help your brother, but I'm afraid we can't touch him unless you have a new case against him."

"I think I might. Captain Barnes is on his way to my location. Could you at least meet them at the precinct?"

He isn't thrilled about meeting me in the middle of the night, but eventually, he agrees to meet up with the captain and my brother after they collect the evidence. He's adamant about doing everything by the book. Still, he thanks me for my information and willingness to help.

When I hang up, Loren crosses her arms. "Does he have a thing for you?"

"I'm— I don't know. He left his number at the hospital for me."

"Let's keep it to ourselves. Penguin's on a good no-killing streak for a few weeks now. No need to ruin it, right?"

This is nice. Despite all the pain and anguish I've been through in the last few weeks, it feels refreshing to laugh with my friend about boy problems.

While we wait for Barnes and the other crew to arrive, the guards who are off rotation pick up a game of cards with Loren and me.

"Do you think the captain is going to try and arrest you?" She asks.

"Probably. Who knows? I don't plan on hanging around for too long after they arrive."

Loren is content with that answer. I take it that she doesn't intend to see the inside of a jail cell, either.

Harvey Bullock returns to the church before Jim and Oswald do. I have a feeling I know what they're doing. Alfred and Bruce are safe and have returned home. Everyone is safe and alive except for Theo Galavan.

When Jim and Oswald do arrive, both of them are different. My brother has crossed the same line I have. Oswald is brimming with the satisfaction of revenge.

My brother struggles to speak. "Let's get this information over to the precinct, Bullock."

I embrace him. "You did the right thing."

He doesn't believe me, yet he tries to put on his bravest face.

My hands lock with Oswald's.

We've finally won. It's time to rejoice in our victory.

"Let's go out for drinks tonight," I say, "before everyone goes their separate ways. We'll pick up the tab."

"We will?" Oswald asks.

"That sounds great." Bullock pats my back.

Jim picks up the evidence. "I'm not in the mood. Why don't you go without me? Lee's waiting on me, anyway."

Loren appears on my other side. "I'm game."

Harvey starts the cop car. Oswald and Loren pile into mine while I say goodbye to my brother. Who knows when our paths will cross again?

"Barnes never showed."

"You can thank your boyfriend for that. Lucius gave him our location instead of yours. I can't tell if he was following orders or his heart." 

I laugh under my breath. "You can't relate to that."

"Yeah, neither can you." He smiles, too.

I take in the summertime breeze. "I hope it works out, whatever it is you decide to do. I hope you have a nice life with her." 

"You too, Sera. I—"


Neither of us has time to turn. A single gunshot reverberates through the parking lot.



"You will pay for what you have done to the—"

Jim shoots the lone priest in between his eyes.

My hand reaches for my chest. It's covered in crimson. I fall to my knees.

The trio in their cars runs out to me. Jim presses on the wound. Loren furious digs through her backpack to find a bandage. Oswald takes my bloody hand.

"You're going to be okay," Harvey attempts to ease the symptoms of shock, though I feel none.

This is how Gotham works. I am the payment for my brother's sin against Theo Galavan. This town— this leviathan thrives on vengeance and retribution. It's always been this way. I've known it since I attended my father's funeral all those years ago. Perhaps I should've seen this coming, or maybe I already did.

"Oh god, boss."

"I need an ambulance, now!" Bullock shouts into his phone. "They say to keep pressure on the wound until they arrive!"

I try to stretch this last moment out into infinity. Jim and Oswald briefly meet eyes. What can be going through their minds? I can't imagine. Loren sits back on her heels, weeping. She's accepted what the other two cannot.  Harvey paces around us, yelling profanities at the dispatcher.

"Breathe, Sera." Oswald grasps onto my hand as if my life depended on it. "You must stay awake. You must keep breathing."

Tears pour from the corners of my eyes, dripping into my hair. I could do so much more with my life. There's so much more I have left to say. I don't want to die, but I suppose all of us must face the endless night eventually. 

Blood rises from my throat. I sputter and cough, gasping for air that will never come.

"Don't leave me."

"We're right here," my brother says.

Oswald gently wraps his hands around my face. "I could never leave you."

I turn my gaze to the stars. What a beautiful night. 



Born to FlyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora