Book Two Out Now!

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As the title suggests, I'm so excited to announce that I am continuing Sera's journey! Calling Cardinal is now available on my profile! Please enjoy a sneak peek!

"I had the strangest dream last night."

The reply comes from the cell directly across the hall. "You always have weird dreams. What's new?"

"This one was different," I say while dressing the attire laid out for me. "It was like I was an alternate version of myself. I was someone else."

My neighbor rustles with his own things. "Everyone had a life before this place. You're the only experiment who's come close to remembering yours."

"You remember your past."

"I'm not like you. I'm not like anyone."

Right. I died. He didn't. Such an event should be hard to forget.

The iceman and I meet up from our respective windows.

"Did you at least get anything useful? Maybe a name?"

"Kind of. I'm pretty sure I have a brother." I ease my fingers into black leather gloves. "I wonder if he misses me."

"Probably so, kid. What are you dressed up for?"

"Strange is sending me on my first mission today."

"Good luck." He leans against the frozen glass. "Make sure you get out. Don't let him bring you back here. Unlike me, you have people that miss you out there. Get back to them."

"I don't even know who they are."

Calling Cardinal is available NOW on my profile!

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