The Queen of Gotham - ✔

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"We can't stay here." I unlatch my hands from his. "I don't know when I'm being admitted into the asylum and quite honestly, I don't want to find out."

"You're right." Oswald stands. "What do you need from me?"

"I need a place for tonight. Tomorrow, I'll set myself up at the mansion."

"I know a place."

"Do you think it's a good idea for all three of us to stay at Ed's apartment?" I throw my small collection of belongings into the suitcases Jim brought.

"I don't think we have a choice. The police will be looking for you everywhere."

My time and options are running slim. I either run away with my lover or get the justice I deserve. Today, I choose to run.

"My car is outside. We can make it out without being noticed. Are you ready?"

I shut the last suitcase. "Let's move."

He nods to a nurse at the triage desk. "We're heading out now."

"Of course, Mr. Cobblepot. Enjoy your evening."

That seems to be the identical response of every person on staff until we reach the bottom floor.

"We're leaving, now."

Rachel stands in our way. "I can't let you do that, Sera. Doctor Warrick has instructed that you must be admitted into Arkham. Come with me."

"I'm sorry." I jerk myself from her grip. "You can I both know I don't belong in the asylum."

"How can I be sure? You change your story so much. I don't even know what to believe anymore, and now you're running off with a mass murderer! He's a homicidal maniac! He⁠— he tried to kill the mayor!"

"Only after he had my mother murdered in front of me. Theo Galavan is not the man you think he is."

"Listen," I begin, "I'm not asking for your forgiveness for lying to you over and over. I'm asking that you let me go. I cannot go to Arkham. I will leave by force if I must."

"Fine. Leave."

This is the last time I will see her. It pains me to have such an ending.

"It's better this way," he promises. "The less she knows, the less she can be hurt."

Cobblepot barrels through Ed's door and locks it behind me.

Nymga peels his eyes from the piano. "Really? You should've let me know that we were having a visitor. I only bought enough takeout for two."

"That's okay," Oswald says. "I can make something else."

The apartment is certainly Edward Nygma's. Everything has a proper place and position, except for the things that my boyfriend has demolished in his tornado-like presence.

I open a door while searching for a bathroom and find a man tied to a chair in a supply closet. He's gagged and bound. "Oh my god!" I scream and slam the door. "Why do you have a hostage in your closet?"

"You can kill him if you'd like!" Ed calls from the kitchen. "He's getting boring."

"Don't you hate when they do that?"

"Yeah." I mock the two of them. "I do hate when my hostage becomes so boring that I have to kill him. No thanks, Ed. He's all yours."

"Suit yourself." He and Oswald sort the food on a small table. "So how long have you two known each other?"

"Hold on," I demand. "You can't go from letting me kill your hostage to asking about our relationship. I'm sorry. That's just not how it's going to work."

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