The Help - ✔

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A while through the night, Lee checks up on us. She brings sandwiches and pops; we're grateful for the distraction.

"Have they updated you at all?"

"No," he says. "If they did, you'd already know."

"Why didn't I think of that?"

From there, we sit in silence until one in the morning. Lee leaves to catch some sleep before work. A bald psychopath takes her place.

"Isn't this an operation?" Victor Zsasz struts in with two other women. "This is Azariah and Miria. They'll be guarding the doors. Hello, Jim!" He waves at my brother. "We're here to protect you, missy. I hear there's a target on your head."

I offer him the chair beside mine.

"This is going to be a fun day. I can feel it. Does anyone have some food? I'm parched."

Jim hands him a half-eaten sandwich. He looks so uncomfortable with the arrangement. When his eyes start to droop with exhaustion, they pulse open in worry. He checks the perimeter before settling back down.

"This is great. Tell Dr. Thompkins she makes excellent sandwiches," Zsasz compliments.

My brother puts on a tense smile. "Sure."

As two o'clock strikes, Jim and I are in a race to fall asleep. I feel like I should be keeping the hitman company, but the heaviness of my eyelids prevent it.

"Long night?" Zsasz tilts his head to match the angle of mine.

When I answer it's on the cusp of a sweet dream. "It would seem so."

His chocolate stare into my eyes until I finally give myself up to the nighttime.

"Miss Gordon?"


My eyes pop open. It's only three in the morning.

Rachel stands in front of me. "Your mother's out of surgery."

I rub the drowsiness out of my eyes. "How is she?"

Everything's as I remembered it. Victor is beside me, watching the turn of events with wide, curious eyes.

"She made it out. The doctors put in a stent to allow more blood to drain. She's steadier, but still asleep. We're bringing her back to the room now."

"That's good news," I yawn.

Jim thanks her as she leaves. "I'm going to go home and try to sleep. You should do the same."

"Are you ready to go?" I ask the resident psychopath.

"If you are." Victor stands and calls in his two associates. "Azariah, Miria, let's move. You two take the car. I'll ride with the Gordons."

It's a quiet drive back to our residence except for when Jim has to remind Zsasz to keep his feet off the dash.

"You're welcome to turn on the television," I tell my guardians. "There are some snacks in the pantry if you get hungry."

My brother grabs onto my arm. "They're here on a job. They are not our guests. I don't want them making themselves too comfortable."

"Thanks, doc!" Gotham's top assassin plops himself down on my couch. "Ladies, let's start a rotation. Azariah, start at the back door. Miria, you get the front. We'll do thirty-minute stations."

"You got it."

Jim ruffles his hair through his hands. "I can't stay here. I thought I could, but I can't. I'm going to Lee's. If anything happens, call me."

Born to Flyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن