Bruce Wayne - ✔

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"That bad, huh? I'm sorry it didn't work out like you wanted. What were you expecting from Jim?"

I down the concoction that Harvey mixes. "I definitely thought being called a murderer was off the table."

"See, I believe you knew he would explode and that's why you held off on telling him until it was necessary."

"Shrink Bullock. Never thought I'd see the day."

"Well, I was a bartender."

"So you should be getting your honorary degree in the mail next week." I smirk. "I expected your place to be a dump, but it's actually pretty nice, Harvey."

"It is what it is. You should give him time. He'll get over himself."

"I left him with Oswald. I seriously left the mortal enemies in a room together. Can you believe that?"

"You were mad." He waves off my concern. "I'm sure Penguin left as soon as you did. You know he enjoys stirring things up."

I suppose he's right.

"What are you so afraid of, Sera?" Harvey throws down his own whiskey shot.

Saying everything seems too easy.

"You do the job no one else can or wants to. You give men— people with families— their lives back. So maybe getting yourself involved in a gang wasn't the smartest route you could've taken. There are far worse things in Gotham than Carmine Falcone, who seems truly fond of you. You give people their lives back. It's on them what they do with that gift."

And I realize that he's right. Perhaps end does, in fact, justify means. The gift is life should spread across all mankind, not only those deemed worthy.

"I never thought of it that way."

"And neither has Jim."

I find that hard to believe. It was pretty easy for him to label me a murderer when he didn't even comprehend the full story. Gotham is a horrible city. I have no doubt that most of Falcone's men were thrown into the life of crime out of necessity. People like Butch don't start off as sadistic bodyguards. If he had the choice, I'm certain he wouldn't be Penguin's main muscle.

"If I quit the hospital, I'll have lost touch of everything I believe in."

"But that isn't the truth, is it?"

As a nurse, I've sworn an oath to protect and heal those who can't do it for themselves. This path spans to the wealthy, poor, righteous, and even the unruly.

"I'm doing so much more with Falcone's clan. I have more potential there then at the hospital. I can—" a wild thought enters my mind. "—I can change it for the good."

"I have to say I agree. Now that you understand it, Jim will realize it, too. And if he asks, none of this was my idea."

"Why's that?"

"I'm still a cop, remember? Gangs and crime are not in my wheelhouse, sister."

"Oh," I say, disappointed. "I thought you were on my side."

"I am... from a distance."

A knock comes at the door. Harvey finishes off one last shot before answering.

"Oh, guess who it is!" He gives my brother a hearty pat on the back. "Your sister and I were just drinking. Care to join us?"

"Sure. I figured she'd be at your place; it's why I came, actually."

"And here I thought you showed up for my dashing good looks," Bullock says.

The remaining Gordons sit right next to each other. We stare at the marble island countertop.

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