Nobody Likes a Bad Magician - ✔

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"What are you planning on wearing tonight?" Loren asks during a break.

"I'm not sure. It's a black-tie event so it needs to be formal, correct?"

"Right," she says. "These charity events are for the rich and famous, so you need to look your absolute best. Do you even own anything besides scrubs and t-shirts?"

"Yes! I have that back dress I wore for my mom's funeral."

"Why don't you ask your boyfriend to buy you something nice?" Butch suggests.

"I'm not doing that. I have my own money."

"It's the principle of the matter!" Loren exclaims. "Guys like to spoil their girls and knowing you, I doubt Penguin's had a chance to do so."

"I heard my name," Oswald enters. "What's happening?"

Butch sounds all but exasperated. "She doesn't have a dress for the ball tonight and she's too embarrassed to ask for some—"

"I told you I have my own money."

"She doesn't understand the whole spoiling concept, yet," Loren informs.

"Ah, but she will. Would the two of you accompany us out?"

"We're going now?"

The king of Gotham checks his watch. "Your dinner with Lee is only a few hours away. You have plenty of preparation to be doing."

"You can just take off? Without a word?"

"I run Gotham, Sera. I can do whatever I please."

"And so can you." Loren pushes us out the door. "Butch and I will handle things here. Have fun!"

Two hours later, Oswald and I have gone through almost every dress store in Gotham and still cannot agree on an outfit.

"Not that one."

"No?" I twirl in the thousandth dress. "I like it."

"You're settling. Try this one on!"

"Whatever." I change into a champagne-colored, floor-length dress. It's a gorgeous thin-sleeved dress with a plunging neckline. I secretly feel stunning, but I wonder if I just look silly. "What do you think?"

His jeweled eyes dance over my figure as if it's the first time he's ever laid eyes on me.

"Is it that bad? I can go change."

"No. I love it." He pulls himself together. "I think this is the one."

I twirl on the small platform. "It's gorgeous."

Once again, he and I have traded places. He's the emotional one, beaming with pride while I feel out of touch with how I'm feeling.

We return to the mansion arm in arm with the dress. Loren has prepared an entire make-up and hair station in my room. Oswald and I part ways at the stairs. He disappears into the meeting room, and I sit in the designated chair.

"Did you ever imagine that you'd be doing makeup when you signed up for the gang?" I ask.

She laughs, curling the first strand of hair around the iron. "Not at all. Not that I mind. This is better than being out in the field, for sure."

Another three hours later, Loren finally puts on the last touch of makeup. She pins the Cardinal broach to my chest while I slip on my locket from Oswald.

"You're looking good, mama!" She winks.

"Thanks," I say, still feeling a little out of touch with myself. I hardly recognize myself in the mirror. I feel too beautiful to be myself. Maybe now I'm finally living up to my queenly title. Isn't the queen supposed to be the fairest in the land? "You're a miracle worker."

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