P: Falling Twice E: Thoughtful

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We fell in love again

After all the wreckage

I wish there was a way to stop this

I can’t stop falling in love with you

If that’s what call it

Tonight I got a message from you

Saying that you wanted us to be one instead of two

But I stared at it

And I wasn’t sure

Because all that’s happened

Makes me stop

And makes me want to breath again

Tell me why you love

In the first place

Where are we

Why are we so far yet so close

What is with you that keeps me by your side

I’ll teach how to dance

If you teach me about your pride

My self esteem keeps on dropping

But when I talk to you it raises to the top

But then I turn and text you good night

And I sleep through a nightmare

Why am I sleeping through nightmares

When we talk it’s a dream

And then when I go to sleep

This nightmare plays in my head

Oh these voices mick it

You’re not worth a second darling

Girl you have to no twinkle in your eye

But back then

It seems like forever

I remember there was a spark before

But now

I could care less

Because of the damage on the floor

We fell in love again tonight

Speaking of the life we would have

I fall in love with you every time

But it seems like the words your write just don’t remind me of love

I wish I could understand you

Sometimes I get so angry

When I can’t tell what you’re saying

People get mad at me

Because it’s only you and me

You never talk to anyone else..

Through the phone!

Tell me why I’m so special girl

Tell me why I fall in love with you every night I stay up for you?

Tell me why there’s a difference between what you say to my ears

And what I read my eyes

It seems there’s a difference appearing here

Every night I fall for you

Deeper and deeper

But somehow

You and I are falling apart

We don’t argue anymore

I take some time to let you miss me

But that’s the only time you want to talk

I hate it when you tell me

That you have something to say

And then you say not right now

I may or may not want to talk to you

About this hint in my heart

It tells me that I love you

And I push it away

There’s not much I can say

When I don’t what you’re going through

Girl let me know

When you need me most

Because Im tempted to leave you tonight

We fall in over and over

Every night we call each other

But the difference is

When I just want to say

I love you

And when I tell you that I’m fed up with this

Did ya know

That I regret every bit of this

Did you know

That I can’t stand it

Did you know

That I’m waiting for you

I’ll wait for you

But it’s been so long

I know you’re just testing time

I wish you would give in

Because I love you so

More than anything

So please come here

Just for tonight

So I can look In your eyes

And tell you good night

I may not be the guy you’re wanting

Because you hate me so much

But at the same

I know one thing

I’ll never leave your side

Just let you in on a secret

I’ll never leave your side


We fell again tonight

When I heard it was okay to come out from hiding

I made sure to show myself

And just for tonight

I’ll hold you close

Just for tonight

We’ll fall again twice. 

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenWhere stories live. Discover now