E: Halloween T: Thoughtful

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  Half the time people would forget that it was Halloween today since it falls on a week day. My schedule consisted of going to a football game to take pictures after school and then heading straight hope to have some anime time but then being dumped into watching my nephew.

  Since I didn’t go trick or treating I went to the game in a batman shirt and a batman cape. I wasn’t really anything I just saw the opportunity to wear my cape and wore it. I took pictures and saw Boni’s mom AND her sisters. The youngest was overjoyed to see me. I saw the middle first and she had a huge smile on her face. So I guess you could say that they’ve both missed me. I know I sure as hell missed them. I wish I could go over. I wish. Then, I saw the youngest at the end of the game. She was overjoyed like I said and yelled my name the moment she saw me. I smiled and tried to express my joy to see her.

  Her family is so weird. I swear it. I get in trouble for being with her as a boyfriend. Time passes. Her sisters don’t know why I haven’t been by their house, her mom smiles as me and talks to me as if she doesn’t hate me, her step dad speaks rarely but that’s nothing new, and yet here I am nervous because I got my ass in trouble for being with her. No one knows that we’re together still. We are and it’s like me and Boni are the only ones nervous about it.

  You know what? How about I just don’t kiss her in public, not hold her hand in public, and hug her with one arm instead of two. Does that look friend zone enough for you people? This is so difficult. We’re in the same section. We’re talking. For her, it scares her to think of ANY possible way we can get in trouble. For me? I only feel paranoid because she is. Honestly, at first I didn’t understand it but I get it now.

  I really love her family. They still joke about me being older than her and ‘dating’ jokes. Is the best way I can put it. It’s funny. She says dating and I say going out. Like. Is that odd? When I think dating I think that we have actual dates. We don’t. We hardly get to spend time with each other. Without school we wouldn’t be able to be together.

  I’m watching Doctor Who right now. After the football game I went home and watched some anime just to be dumped into having to watch my nephew. I’m supposed to hang my clothes, cleaning this mess, and uploading pictures.

  Now that I’m looking at this list it’s not that long lol. I have no homework. I want to go to sleep. I still need to fix the volumes on my wattpad. Maybe that’s another thing I need to do. My fingers still hurt from practicing the Vehuela. I’m about to play the G cord, D 7th Major, E, F# Minor, and C Diminished I think. I can play half our scale basically. The other half sounds really bad. Like B Minor. I don’t know why. I have to work on my strumming because now that my fingers are figuring out where to go now I can focus on how I can improve the right hand. Because I’ve learned to play bass guitar with my left this is ten times harder to play right handed. I guess I’m going to have to learn regardless so this is interesting for me.

  I’ll end today’s entry here. I’ll update more poems later but right now I’m just writing out my thoughts. We still have a chance to make play offs! Woot! Tomorrow I get to see a winning game I hope. I’ll probably do whatever needs to be done once my mom stops checking on me. I tend to do better that way. It’s weird. I’m not good at acting when people are around me. Haha. Funny statement.

  Oh! But on Naruto Shippuden today Itachi said that to get to know one’s self is to accept what you can’t do. And holy shit. That’s 100% right. You see, I don’t think about these things too much they’re second nature. Because of these animes and books I’ve read these thoughts come to me naturally. Funny.

  Alright I’m going now lol. My mom in her room I think. –Happy Halloween 2013 guys lol. 

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