E: Thirty Questions T: Bored

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I do this a lot

No one ever asks me but I don’t care I’m bored and these are fun sometimes



1.       Tell me about your ex

Lol which one? I’ll tell you about the first one since we’re best friends. Her name is Lily and she’s the most important person to me. No matter what pain I go through or she goes through we’ll have each other’s backs. If anything have each other’s guns to threaten each other to get up or else shit’s going to get down.

2.       Drunk story time… GO

  Okay. I don’t have many of these thank god. I’ve only taken a couple with my family and those just end up in laughs and stupid conversation. I just remember us laughing and burning moths. Then we got attacked by them. We were at war man.

3.       A secret you haven’t told many people.

  Well I don’t keep a lot of secrets from my writing fans I can tell you that for sure. Even vocal wise I’m pretty open about myself. I don’t really have secrets come to think of it. Yea no if anything were to be secret it’d be exactly how many things are wrong with me and my life but that’s a secret that even is unknown to me.

4.       A fact about the last person you kissed

  She’s a very reserved person and we have very opposite personalities but I love her none the less.

5.       Favorite TV show

  Courage The Cowardly Dog. It never gets old.

6.       What your last received text message says

  Ah – Lily

7.       What last made you laugh until you cried

This GIF on tumblr. I don’t even remember what it was but it was so hilarious I couldn’t breathe.

8.       List of concerts you attended

  Does being in them count? If so then all those ones lol and I went to Revengence’s concert. I’ve tried to go to more but um oh there are a couple of Jazz and other school ones I had to go to those were always interesting.

9.       Your Christmas List

  This is going to be sad but. Scholorships, books, My Girlfriend’s parents to trust me, something random that I’m not expecting, medicine that I wish I could get but probably won’t. Recommendation letter.

10.   What you’re wearing

  Shorts and a shirt? Lol I’m wearing a duck suit guys.

11.   Favorite Song

Scars by Pap Roach

12.   How you met the person you fell hardest for

  Now this is a very difficult question considering I don’t know WHO you’re talking about. Lily is someone I will protect with my life. We have such a relationship to wear soul mate may be the description but it’s okay that we’re not together. Boni on the other hand is someone I love currently and I foresee us having the same relationship as me and Lily if things don’t work out. (Which is what we’re working on right now.) So since I don’t know who you’re talking about I’ll just tell you about them both.

  I met Lily through my friends during middle school. We all hung out in the same area and what not. She would approach the scene and everyone would gawk and run over to her screaming: LILY! When I would be in mid conversation with one if not some of them. So she’s been there since sixth. How we started talking however was because of a band trip and I almost died because I drank two monster and a noss. It was the greatest Experience of my life. Just kidding. But if it weren’t for that we would have became friends eventually I think.

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes Takenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن