P: Proving To One's self. T: Inspired.

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When are you going to show me. What I.. can and can't do? It'll be time soon so hurry. This is a message from you. You cry and cry. And try. and try. When you think about it. You just. Can't stand yourself. So you try.. and try... To think of all these things. That you can do. What can you do? 

  When will  you look me in the eyes. I don't need to anagonize the true to world to you especiall since we're the same. What is it that I can do? What will I do for you? What will you do for. Let's trade...! Tell me that you'll do this thing for me. Just try one time. Just let me talk and scream all you want at me. But I need this just as much as you. So listen please I'm trying to tell you. How beautiful are. 

  Whem will you realize. All of the times of your life That you need me. That you need yourself. When you try to disappear into the crowd you know it's clear that it's imposibble when you don't fit into black or white or grey. So look at me and tell me what you're trying to do. Because I know for sure that this work well for you. You are an indivual part of a team. There are no I's in Team. But ours there's 'We'. 

  So work with me. Would you? These's just so much you can do. Work with me will you. Recoginize the things you do. For others and well as yourself. You're such inspiration do it well. You know you can do much for yourself. But try me. Try me. 

 Push me out of your life. Let those kids tell you with pride. That you're a worthless peice of scap when they're already melting. Do they know that you've been beaten. They don't need to know.... Because you know that they're the same if not they don't know how to show. That they need help just like you so don't you dare share that you can't do a single thing. Because you know how to bare. 

  They talk about the suicide they talk about the sure. They don't know what it's like to be a sucidal person. Because in the end you want to die. You want to cry. But you know. That you're the only so you try! And try again. You put in the effort and push your strength. Until the day...

  You cry. You cry. Then someone who watched. They'll kneel down and sigh. "What do you think... you're doing?" Get up. It's not time. No no. Not yet. Don't you give up. Because I've seen you do so much. Already. Don't even. Attempt. To tell me you can't cause you can!"

  "There are two of people in this world you see. Those who can't and those you can." With a smile they'll say "That both are right." Sad to say but it's true. You put a fight. And I've always been next to you. I've seen you cry, I've seen on your knees, I've seen you stand up with the most important responsiblity. So don't you cry. Don't you give up. GEt up I know you can. Because I've seen do it before."

  I just need someone. Sometimes to show me. That i'm okay. That simple remindere. Because I know one things for sure. I can't remember all the time. Especially when Misery knows my mind. Soul mates for time. But that's okay. I'll be alright. As long as you keep watching me. And I.... I know... That I can.There are just days that I can't stand. The times when I know that I'm the only one.

  My plate. I'll never go hungry but I always starve because I think I'm always full. And when you tell me to get up. I'll do my best to get on a knee I'll need your hand and I'll be okay. When you remind me. Who I am. It'll only take couple a minutes.

  So I'll this time to look myself in the eyes. Thank you, friend, for remiding me. With this mirror I'll look at 'you' I'll tell you that I can. And that I don't want blend in. I'll be myself and I'll hold true.

  When will I show you. I'll show you now. With every step I take. I won't consume the hate. I'll shine my heart's light. Publically so I can show you. That I won't give up. I'm standing. Here's the pick. I'll be me. No matter the cost. And I'll remember to look in the mirror. I'll look at you again. I'll look at you again. With passoinate eyes. I'll look into your own and keep my steps steady. I'm here and I'll always. When I show you that I can show you. I'll show you then. But for now. I'll show you. Right now. 

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora