E: Life's wait T: Concentrated

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I love the show Doctor Who but it gets me thinking on way to many levels I can only handle watching so many a day. How much death involved depresses me but amuses me. That’s why I watch it. I love the show. I’ve completed Season Nine. I want to watch the first doctors to see how the show used to be verses how it is now.

  Other than that. The last time I mentioned Boni was when I introduced her. I believe I said a thing or two through poems as well but I’ll just continue on as if I haven’t said much about her. She hurt me and I hurt her back. I feel slightly bad but victorious in that. I told her that she needs to stop pretending like she’s going to leave me for some girl best friend of hers or else I’ll leave her. It hurt her but I warned her that I’m willing to end it because we’re not supposed to be together. I approached the school this morning blank in emotion—emotion for her anyway. I walked up to her and touched her arm to get her attention. She turned but then turned away in a swift motion. One of the girls she keeps pretending to leave me with then commented for her to go with her boyfriend. I walked away. I was enraged. I wrote a note the other day. One that I wouldn’t want to read twice and one that if I were the one receiving it I’d cry. In saying this, I went to my backpack and took out the note. Approaching her again, she gave me her attention and I pulled her to the side away from her friends. She wanted to know where we were going and I handed her the note put my back against the wall of the hallway crossed my arms ad put a shin over the other and looked away.

  She read half way through the first page and then made a comment I replied to it with a glance, looked away again, she continued reading, and I resorted to checking out our surroundings. We weren’t in a private place. Another one of the girls that she pretend with passed us without a glance. She got the message. This one I don’t mind so much. She’s funny, she’s my friend, and she understand how I feel and doesn’t push it even when Boni wants to. This is why she has my respect.

  There are a total of five girls that Boni pretend with. I can’t stand it. But this is the second time I’ve mentioned it and I’m sure that she’s getting the idea. I can’t hold Boni like I used to, I can’t kiss her when I want to, and I can’t be with her freely. This is just how things are. I’ve accepted it. Even though I wish for a different route I understand why this one is there.

  Boni doesn’t say she loves me unless something’s wrong. Not that I have a problem with that. She replies to me when I say that I love her. That’s good enough. It bothers me however to know that she won’t say it unless there’s something wrong which isn’t cool.

  She’s learning. Today she ran up to me and hugged me tightly, let go and exclaimed that she was passing all her classes. She handed me the paper in glee. I saw the sixty seven, paused, and then saw the grade next to it being a seventy two. It was marked out. I smiled and told her I was proud of her but then I automatically laughed and shrugged. “I’d show you my progress report because I feel accomplished but you’d cry if you saw it.”

  She asked me why and I explained that for the first time in years I was making straight one hundreds. She frowned as said that she wouldn’t cry she’d just be jealous. And I had to end with that. It makes me laugh. I do so little in my core classes it depresses me. If I’m frustrated or focused I’ll get the assignment done in half the time. And by half the time normal time would be a maz of ten minutes. Noamally, it’d be five minutes or so.

  My brother in law keeps insisting on me not going to college. I finally gave in. I mean, I already didn’t want to anyway but I’ll capture the opportunities that I have here and now. Once I turn eighteen I’m calling Tarpley Music Co and I’m working on working for them. Main comes forward for this moment to explain everything that she’s going to do with Lustryess and Me.

  Main here. College isn’t going to really be an option. We’ll be going to Howard Community college to finish our basics. Our teacher Mrs. Costello said that we shouldn’t do this because college schedules are built around basics and it makes our lives easier but we’ll be going the fee time route. Overall, if we do go to college it’ll be for Digital Media. Even so—we can learn without a degree but if we resort to actually going. Futuristically in the end. We’re going to become teachers. But that’s after we live our lives out.

  For the most part Daniel is planning on achieving being a published author as a story author and a poet. We’re still contemplating on the poetry since it’s personal. It doesn’t hurt to share though. The other thing that Daniel is going to achieve is being a musician and an actor. He doesn’t want major roles he just want to be an extra.

  As for Lustryess. She’s going to be a photographer, a musician, and an actress. Photography will resume when she gets to fix her camera. She likes Jazz but she’ll leave that to Daniel and Daniel will leave the singing to her.

  They hope to be able to play in more than one occasion. EX: Jazz, Mariachi, Symphonic… But our main goal is movie symphonies because those are fun and might as well since we’re acting. From my point of view I want to be an Actor ad Actress. This will be fun trust me. A musician who plays bass guitar, vehuala (a mariachi instrument), trombone, baritone, trumpet (if I really want to), and percussion (set, auxiliary, pit, and individual drums like snare.) I plan to learn Tenor saxophone that way I can learn Bari saxophone. My mariachi teacher is forcing me to learn how to play guitar even though I don’t want to. Lustryess and I play our bass with our left hand dominate. It’d be nice to learn both ways. I don’t have much grip in my left although I am ambidextrous.

  As far as we’re looking we’re going to head for Tarpley once we turn eighteen, correctly start a zazzle for designing t-shirts, hats, buttons, and such. Upload photos to stock market websites. Publish Countered Reputations (all parts). Fix our bank accounts to make sure we’re efficient. Not dare to by something unless we know we can. Fix our musical instruments. Manage to get our hands on our own trombone. Her name’s already picked out. It will be Zealous. Probably help set up other family members accounts. Maybe. And figure out what we can sell on Etsy. We want to have one but we have no reason to because we don’t make much with our hands. We’re thinking out about starting our own book binding project.

  That’s all for now back to you DJ.

  As you can see above we have a lot to do and a lot on our minds. I’ll be getting back to you guys here soon but for now this is good bye. Peace. :)

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenWhere stories live. Discover now