P: What Matters T: Confident

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Poem: What matters

Nothing I can

Nothing I can do

Can steer my heart

Away from you

Because here's the thing

I will fight

And I know that ill put up a fight

For you

To protect to

To show you

That I love you

Is it bad

That I think about you all the time

You're someone that I care for

And if you're not supposed to be mine I'd dare for

I'd dare her

I'd dare him

To look me in the face

And tell me that I can't

That I can't protect someone that I care about

That I can't protect someone that I love

Whether they can be mine

Or I can just be their guardian angle

Either way

If they say no I can't be

Then they better think again

Because my power of will

Is too strong for me to tame

When I see you in pain

I don't want to act in vein

But if it means to act 'rash', 'crazy', or 'insane'

I'm willing to take the consequence

Because I've done you wrong

And another after me

But I can't accept there being a number three

One hurts but works

Because you learn from your mistakes

Two hurts because its new but it's happened so recovering isnt as bad

Number three

Means there's a problem

And I don't want to see y cry

I don't want to feel these instinctive reaction when I know something's gone wrong

I have those feelings

When I'm close to someone

When someone's gone

Or when something wrong

So I know when you're not happy

I know because my heart says

Even if you're not mine

I might as well be the greatest friend

Because what is a man

What is a woman

Without reason for caring for who they care for

Especially when they mean as much as their own life

What would that make them


When you think of the word and us you don't know

You have no earthly idea what we are

But you know that ill be there

And I know that you'll be there for me

And even if we don't know what friends are

In the end we'll hVe each other

And that's what matters

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenWhere stories live. Discover now