E: July 24th. 2013 T: thoughtful

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I guess I'll talk to you again since I can't sleep. I wrote another story based off of us. This one is a fan fiction. It's off of One piece, not that we're going to really meet any of the characters in one piece since I totally misjudged and made a story in the east rather than the west lol. Oops. Oh well. We might meet them later when we all go to the grand line.

I made you an alchemist. Not that you care or anything but I think it fits you perfectly. I'm trying to portray you again and I know that I may never get it right but hey that's why I can do it right? You and Naomi that is. As for Sebastian and Skyler? Not happening. Well I mean, the guessing part anyway lol I know how they are so it's not hard.

I made myself a badass. I'm not sure if how i want to make our meeting but you end up becoming a pirate to get away from me and then you end up killing your boyfriend that you make there. I kind of reflected your real life situation but honestly I've done that many times before I've really exposed you and I'm sorry for that but it's not like the people who real my work will ever meet you nor will you read this so...

I've kind of waited on your text. I'm so pathetic. Telling myself to let go up yet looking forward to you talking to me when you actually want to. Shoot. I need to get out of this fantasy. Then again. I guess it doesn't hurt since I have this fantasy and may based on it. I want to pick up on the second book of countered reputations I've had a couple of ideas but I think I've got it down. Ill have to try them out.

So far I've pretty much kept a note open while writing this one so that I can keep track of all the characters and events. I'm surprised how well it's working that way I don't have to reread over and over.

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenWhere stories live. Discover now