P: Arguing With Guilt P: Panicked

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Depression and anxiety set in

But if she truly loves me then

Why do I feel like I’m not good enough for her

She wouldn’t meet up with me every day

Hold my hand tight

Kiss me

Hug me

‘Pester’ me (as she would say)

If she doesn’t love me

She’s actually really mean to her friends

And there’s me

She’s nice to me

I love her

And she loves me

So why do I feel this way

This seems so familiar

The insecurity

The water rising up again

The same situation as then


And now

This is what happens when you suffer

Not just suffer but suffer with someone

You know someone else feels this way

You feel better knowing that you’re not the only one

But you feel bad because someone else feels this pain

This suffocation

If I was supposed to be dead I’d be dead by down

I don’t think twice about what I say

I mean it when I say it

I am a disease

I’d be dead if I wanted to but death said it’s not my time so he’s killing me slowly with this agony

Of course if I were to say that in front of other people I wouldn’t attempt the quote

I’m too intelligent for some

And that scares me

Because sometimes I’ don’t even understand me

This twisted feeling in my stomach

Someone would say butterflies

But I just say that it’s my nerves

That want to throw up

The panic

The heart racing

The fingers tapping

The best I can do is tap them

I can’t do much more

I’d write

This was closer to me though

I breathe

I attempt this

My voice don’t let up

My eyes widen

I can’t breathe



I don’t want to suffer but I know that I have to

I’ve lived through this before

I can live through it again

I feel the panic arise

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenWhere stories live. Discover now