Chapter 9

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A/N (probably the only one in this story): I was playing this song while I was writing this chapter... It reminds me of Callie's view on Jules. Anyway, back to the story.

I'm barely inside the damn school building when Jules appears. "Hi, Callie!" she says. Already, she's attracted stares from nearby people. However, she doesn't pay them any mind. If she's not, well, Jules, I probably would have admired that. "How's your cousin?"

It takes me a second to realize she's talking about Dominic. "He's um, good," I respond. I step aside from her. "I need to put this in my locker." I hold up the case.

Instead of going away, as I had wanted her to, Jules reaches for the case and practically yanks it from my grip. "Let me help!" she says. She walks off, and I have to power-walk to catch up to her. The textbooks in my arms are threatening to fall out. "I know where your locker is."

"You do?" I ask. My real question is, Do I need to be concerned in the near future?

"Uh-huh!" Jules says happily. She skips ahead of me, mostly because I'm unsure as to whether I should be near her right now. Then again, I'm unsure if I should be near her at all. I barely know her, and I'd like to pretend she doesn't exist.

Which reminds me . . . I catch up to her again. "How did you pick me out of all the other people in the cafeteria?" I ask.

"It's simple."

After waiting too long for Jules to expand, I make the 'go on' gesture. Sadly, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see May. "Hey girl, what'd you think of Dominic?" she asks. "Pretty chill, huh?" She winks at the end.

My eyes widen. "Who's Dominic?" Jules asks.

My friend notices Jules on my other side. "Oh! Um, hi Jules," May says. She glances at me. "You haven't told her about Dominic?"

I think quickly. "Um, no. I didn't think that you'd like everyone to know about your um, new boyfriend Nick." I give her a 'play along before she kills me' look. "I mean, you uh, are in a new relationship, and you're taking it slow."

May glares at me, and I know already that I'm going to get lectured later. "Yeah, we are," she says slowly, probably to make sure Jules understands what the hell is going on. "But hey, you had the chance of meeting him, so what did you think?"

For once so far today, I answer honestly. "He was cool. Gave me his number in case I wanted to talk," I say.

If Jules wasn't witnessing this, May would have wiggled her eyebrows. "That's fine. See you later!" And just like that, my friend walks away faster than a bunny rabbit. How nice of her to ditch me when I'm in a situation like this.

I slowly turn my head to a smiling Jules. I then keep my head down and we continue walking, Jules asking me several questions about myself. "What's your favorite color?" she asks at some point.

"Um." I just shrug instead. "I don't know."

"How can you not know?" she asks, practically demanding. "It's something everyone knows the answer to by the time they hit kindergarten."

By now, I'm wishing I can have the violin to hold on tightly to. Instead, my hand curls up into a fist. Jules notices, but doesn't comment. I think even she knows there's a limit; she asks me another question. I'd much rather she'd be quiet. I still answer her, though.

"Hey, Callie!" someone calls out in the hallways. "Are you a junkie now that Jules 'dibsed' you?" The same person cackles, as if the joke wasn't bad enough.

I cover my face with my textbooks, glad that Jules and I have reached my locker. I shakily do the combo and swing it open with too much force. The door bangs against its neighbor with a loud clang, causing me to be startled. A girl nearby says snidely to the person, "Better not try to joke around. You just got Callie mad!"

Jules gasp. "Are you mad?" she stage whispers.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "No, no I'm not," I say, in the tone I'd use on a younger child. "I need the violin." I wait for Jules to hand it over, and I stash the instrument in the locker before I shut the door (gently).

"Where's your class?" Jules instantly asks.

There's no way in hell I'm going to let you walk me there, I think. To use the well known phrase "saved by the bell", the bell rings, giving us five minutes to get to the first period before we're marked tardy. "There's, um, something I have to do before I get to class," I say.

"Oh." Jules pauses before jumping at the opportunity. "Can I come with you?"

I shout without thinking, "No!" Holding up outstretched hands, I repeat, "No, I'm good."

She doesn't seem to be surprised by my outburst. "Okay! I'll see you at lunch then!" She walks off before I can answer.

With a sigh, I fall against the lockers. I look up at the ceiling, wondering what I did to deserve Jules' attention. My grades are good, and I don't get into much trouble. Hell, I'm sometimes nice to Nancy, even when I want to strangle her. (Then again, how many people have that urge towards their siblings sometimes?)

"You can stare up and wish for everything to go away, but you'll still be late." I loll my head to May. My questioning look causes her to add, "Your pose reeks of 'why, world, why?'."

I stand up straighter. "What's up with Logan?" I ask, changing the subject.

Already, my friend's smiling. "He's amazing, and we had a lot of fun. We're going on another date this Saturday," she says.

My eyes widen. "Seriously? One wasn't enough?"

She laughs. "We connected. I'm pretty sure when you connect with someone, you go on dates." May mulls over her statement. "Unless the connection's friendly only."

"Um, sure," I drawl.

May checks her phone for the time. "Oh, I almost forgot to ask you," she says. "How did Jules know about Dominic?"

That's right, she doesn't know, I remind myself. "Jules saw me and Dominic the other day," I explain. "I was able to get off the hook by passing Dominic off as my cousin."

She looks confused. "Does she know him by name?" she wonders.

I shake my head. "She would have been suspicious if she had when you asked me earlier what I thought of him."

"Ah." The minute-warning bell sounds. "We need to go." As May and I go on our separate ways, she calls over her shoulder, "You should call him, though! I think you'd make a cute couple!"

Cute couple, my ass, I think in annoyance as I enter my first period room.

Dibs! (Lesbian, GxG)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt