Chapter 33

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After Mom comes home from her errands, I'm able to drop Jules off at her house. Since we, um, just connected last night, Jules simply gives me an awkward wave goodbye as she gets out of the car. I don't drive away until she's completely inside the house. And no, I haven't been looking at her ass or anything . . . much.

     May's waiting for me at the table when I finally arrive at the cafe. She's tapping at her phone a little harder than necessary, her coffee sitting at the center of the table instead of by her hands. I promptly walk over and sit across from her.

     "What's new?" I ask.

     There's no answer. My friend keeps clicking her long nails on the screen. I reach for the coffee to try to get some sort of attention from her. When she doesn't react, I drag the coffee towards me and make loud slurping noises above the lid.

     Still nothing. May would be freaking out about me 'stealing' what's rightfully hers by now.

     A period of time passes before she finally looks up from her device. "Sorry, Callie," she says. "I heard you. I was doing a little something, and all I'm getting is crap." May takes a deep breath, and slides her phone towards me. "Can you keep this until I've calmed down?"

     "Um, sure." I cross my arms over the phone, covering it from my best friend. "Is this the kind of something you want to talk about here?"

     May shakes her head. "No, I just need coffee, and a conversation." At the mention of coffee, she reaches over and drags her drink towards her, sending me a mock glare. At least, I hope it's a mock glare, because the actual glare sometimes leads to an hour-long rant. She takes off the lid and blows on the contents.

     "Okay . . ." I cross my legs. I take the time for May to speak up again. 

     Sure enough, she blurts out, "Okay fine. Logan's been arrested."

     My eyes widen in shock. "Damn, what happened?" I ask.

     My friend groans. "Apparently he was driving with a pack of beer in the passenger seat," she answers. "Logan got caught speeding, and the cop was going to give him a ticket when he saw the beer and handcuffed him instead."

     I hold up a finger. "You remember that I said he lent me a beer at the party, right?" I ask.

     "Yeah, I remember."

     Waiting too long, I ask, "Then why are you upset by this?"

     "He told me he made a promise that he wasn't going to be drinking anymore," May explains. "And this was after Logan swore up and down that he never breaks promises."

     "You're surprised that Logan is, I don't know, human?" May gives me a disapproval stare. "What? I make promises with you, and I don't always go through them--and judging from your look, you have no idea about that, do you?"

     She takes the time to rub her temples with crossed fingers. "After I'm done being a little pissed about Logan, you're going to tell me which promises you broke," she says.

     I pretend that I haven't heard that. "Did you get a call from Logan or something?" I ask.


     "Then how did you know about it?"

     May holds up a finger. "One word: Dominic," she says.

     "Was he there when this happened?"

     "I didn't ask." May dives into a story about her bump with Dominic yesterday, where she found out about Logan. Dominic was as mad as her, as May claims, and before they went on their way, Dominic asked her to tell me he said hi. 

     "Yeah yeah, hi imaginary Dominic. Did he mention anything about still being friends with Logan?" I ask just as my friend finishes the story.

     "Just that he's going to take a breather from hanging out with Logan for a while after Logan gets out of jail. How long, I don't know." May pauses long enough to drink the majority of her coffee. She gingerly sets it down again, and clasps her hands together. I'm confused; May doesn't have a religion of any sort. "So, to distract me, I want to hear about Jules, if you have any fresh news to tell me."

     Flashes of last night gets me blushing. I need to learn to control my emotions, I think as May's smile grows wide. She leans back in her seat, giving me the "come on and tell" gesture. "Um, she slept over at my house yesterday," I say awkwardly.

     "Great start of the story. Liking it so far," she comments. "So, what did you guys do?"

     Covering one of my cheeks and looking at her from a side (May won't stop raising her eyebrow at the redness), I mumble, "We may have made out at some point."

     "Damn, Callie. And here I am, thinking that Dominic is more of your type." 

     "Why is he my type?" I question.

     "Well," May pauses to subtly gesture down. "I meant like that."


     Since she doesn't have any popcorn with her to munch on, May instead holds up a finger for me to wait as she goes to the counter. Minutes later, she comes back to the table with several pastries. From her protective arm around all of them, I'm not allowed to be comfortable while storytelling. "So," she starts, biting into a bun. "How was it? Any fireworks?" 

     I roll my eyes as dramatic as possible. "It was fine." My friend raises her eyebrow again. "What? That's an honest answer!"

     "And sometimes honesty doesn't always mean good. Especially in that category."

     "May, just because people put fantastic kissing scenes in your romance books--which I found in your Kindle that one time--doesn't mean that the kissing in real life is all that fantastic." When she opens her mouth, I add, "If you mention anything about your first time, then I demand a pastry as payment."

     She considers it before instead drinking her coffee. "I don't care that 'sharing is caring'," she says. "If I ever have ten cookies and need to split them with anyone, in the end there's going to be ten cookies and a body."

     I shudder. "I'm not going to sleep over at your house anymore," I promise. "You'll probably strangle me in my sleep or something."

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