Chapter 30

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I walk out of the campus at the end of the day to find Jules by the crowd waiting for the buses. I get her attention by tapping on her shoulder. Jules turns around. "Hi!" she says. "What bus do you ride?"

     I gesture to the student parking lot. "I drove today," I say.

     Jules takes a glance at it. "What does it look like again? I don't remember."

     "You haven't seen my car yet."

     "Yes I have!" I start walking to the car, with Jules following me. "Remember when you came to my neighborhood and parked the car in the wrong spot?"

     "Oh." I open the driver's door and get in, taking out the car keys from my pocket. Jules gets in and immediately turns on the radio. Some obnoxious pop song comes on, and she changes the station. Another pop song starts up. Jules curses under her breath and changes it again. I reach a hand over when she attempts to change the radio again when yet another pop song plays.

     Grumbling, Jules slumps in her seat. "People listen to a lot of crap these days," she says.

     "It depends on what kind of crap you're referring to," I reply as I drive us to my house.

     "The kind that singers make up so they'll get money."

     I mull the comment over. "Um, I'm not sure what to say to that."

     Even without looking, I can tell Jules is staring at me. "Yes, you do. You just don't want to say it."

     "Guilty as charged."

     Mom's car is gone when I drive up and park in front of the garage door, which isn't much of a surprise. I open the front door, and Jules passes by me before I can grasp on what just happened. "Cool!" she exclaims, making a circle around the house. "I like this place!"

     I snort, placing the car keys on the counter. "Try living here with a broken heater," I say. Nancy left her wallet on the counter, and I put it in a safer place. And by safer place, I mean the egg holder in the fridge.

     Don't judge my style of revenge.

     "Feels warm in here," Jules points out.

     "That's because Mom got it fixed."

     She flops on the couch. "Oooh, this is comfy!" She swaddles herself up with one of the blankets that lives on one of the couch arms. "And I get the couch allll to myself!"

     "Until I boot you out," I say.

     "You're mean."

     "No, that's life."

     Jules pauses. "True."

     She quietly enjoys the soft comfort while I look through the pantry for something to munch on. I forgot my lunch earlier today, and my stomach isn't happy with me right now. I settle for a granola bar and take off the wrapping.

     A thud comes from the upstairs, and Nancy slides down the banister. "Ka-thunk! I have landed!" she booms. She notices a lump on the couch. "Hi, person I don't know."

     Jules moves her head. "Hi, person I know by name." She takes a closer look. "You don't look anything like bread."

     Nancy gives me an odd look. I mouth, "Later."

     "Um, okay. I'm Nancy."

     "Okay, I'm Jules."

     "Cool." Apparently, that's the end of that conversation. Nancy reaches for something on the counter, and looks confused. "Where's my wallet?" she asks aloud.

Dibs! (Lesbian, GxG)Where stories live. Discover now