Chapter 13

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I'm currently staring at my laptop screen. I have no clue on whether I should press the button or not. And right now I feel like that famous Thinker statue, with my fist holding up my chin. 

     "Accept friend quest from JULES McCALL?" the text box asks me. 

     I move the mouse in between the 'YES' and 'NO' buttons and return to my Thinker pose. For some reason, this is stressing me out, probably more than the Geometry tests I have to take. Maybe it's the horror of always going on Facebook and finding a message from Jules already there for me to read. Or maybe people will see it and tease me relentlessly over the fact that even though I don't like Jules in any way, we're somehow mutual friends.

     Before I do anything drastic, I should probably check out her profile page. It can probably help me decide whether to take it or not. As I click on her profile pic (of a purple dinosaur), I'm thinking of all the random shit she'd probably post. Bands she'd fangirl over, movies she'd rave about . . . 

     The first thing that catches my eye is the amount of friends she has. There's not enough people to even fill in the box. And every 'friend' shares Jules' surname. I don't know what's worse, I think as I examine each of the family member. That Jules has no friends outside her family, or that I'm feeling bad for her. 

     I know, that sounds horrible. But really, have you ever felt pity for someone you don't really like? Then again, Jules has probably had numerous friend requests from other people, but just prefers her brothers. Yeah, that could be it. 

     If the friends list is skimpy, that's a long list compared to the things Jules has post. By that, I mean, zero. Sure, Randy, a "Rudy" and a "Sid" have posted things to her timeline, but that's about it. I click on each of them and open their profile pics on separate tabs. 

     Randy's profile seems like any normal Facebook page. He's got his favorites listed, a lot of friends in his list, and he actively posts about what's going on, in his life or about things he finds interesting. Rudy, I assume is the second-oldest brother, has interests in death metal and some Japanese bands. I guess that's not too bad. Sid, like Jules, doesn't look like he uses Facebook all that much, except for very important things.

     For someone so perky and talkative, Jules doesn't do much here. Maybe she just doesn't like the social media.

     My bedroom door opens and shuts in less than two seconds. "Callie!" Nancy says, plopping on my bed. "Whatcha doing?"

     "Regretting taking your advice," I say. I turn the laptop around so Nancy can see what I'm talking about. "What do you think is missing?"

     "Your profile in her list?" Nancy suggests, picking up the electronic device. I give her a look. "Okay, fine. Serious time."

     I take my laptop back. "Don't you think it's sad?" I ask.

     "Not that sad to me." I look at her weirdly again. "Here. Let me fix something."

     I hesitate before slowly giving her the laptop back. She presses a couple of buttons, and stares intensely at the screen. When it feels like an eternity, Nancy gives it back. "There. All fixed," my sister says, proud.

     "Great. What did you do?" By the time I see that 'I' have confirmed Jules' request, Nancy's already gone and left my door wide open. "You butt! You can't just do things like this!"

     She shouts from her room, "Yes, I can. I just did!"

     "Argh!" I look at the screen again. I bet twenty bucks that somewhere, in this second, Jules is reading the little box over and over again, squealing at the same time. Actually, no; she's smiling so wide the corners of her mouth would hurt. 

     Someone knocks, and I see Mom giving me a look of concern. "Why are you and Nancy yelling at each other?" she asks.

     "Nan did something that I didn't want her to do," I say. "Are you getting a headache or something?"

     "Or something." Mom eyes the pill bottle sitting on my dresser. "You're taking those responsibly, right?" I nod, like usual. "Are you running low?"

     Well, considering that I have three left, yeah, I can say I'm probably running low. I shake my head. "I'll most likely need a refill by next week," I lie.

     "That's good," Mom says. "I should expect a paycheck by that time." She turns around and stops. "And try not to yell throughout the house for the rest of the day."

     "'Kay." I close the door and return to my bed. There's another text box, this time with the words telling me, "JULES has found six of her friends. Recommend more for her?"

     I click 'no' instantly. Who would I recommend to Jules?

     I'm about to close the laptop when there's yet another text message box popping up. Expecting an IM from Jules, I'm surprised to find that it's another friend request, this time from Dominic. I smile at the odd timing, and immediately confirm it.

     I check out his profile, and there's nothing odd about it, thank God. Realizing that I've been dwelling in the site for too long, I close the computer and go through the homework I need to do. A few papers with the project instructions wink at me. I groan in annoyance, and set them aside. I'll deal with you later, I think. Right now, all you're doing is being a pain in my ass.


A 'blip' surprises me while I'm in the middle of English. I try my best to ignore it, but I feel the urge to drop everything I'm doing and check for the source. Opening the laptop, I see a flashing text message box from Jules.

     You took a while to respond to my request, is all she writes. A silly face is at the end of her sentence. 

     I wait, in case she decides to write more. When she doesn't, I let out a sigh of relief. I log out of Facebook and put the laptop away. The homework is only half-finished, but I know it's going to take me all night to do them all.

     If anything, Jules will have to wait for me to reply back.

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