Chapter 31

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I come back downstairs, where Mom and Nancy are on the couch watching a movie on Netflix. The dishwasher is running loudly. "I take it you two gave up on hand-washing the dishes?" I ask.

     My sister looks up. "Where's Jules?" she says.


     "God Callie, Mom said to give her a concert, not bore her to sleep."

     "Ha ha, funny."

     "Girls," Mom says in warning.

     I walk over to my backpack, getting the homework out. Placing the stack on the table, I push the eraser on my mechanical pencil and start working through the problems. I would have done them before Mom got home, but someone (cough Jules cough cough) was begging me to play a card game with them. 

     Before long, Mom retires to bed, and it's just me and my sister on the lower floor. Nancy gets up and microwaves some popcorn, practically burning them to crisp. I wrinkle my nose at the stench, but don't comment. I swear, Nancy's the only human I know that likes their popcorn burnt. 

     "What's up with her?" she asks all of the sudden. I jerk my head up. "Jules. Did she bump her head when she was little, and that's why she's childish?"

     I shake my head. "Did you bump your head too many times?"

     Nancy looks at me weirdly. "What's that supposed to mean?"

     "Nothing," I reply too quickly. 

     My sister sits back down on the couch and clicks on an episode of an anime. I finish the rest of my homework and put them away. I say goodnight to Nancy and give her popcorn my condolences before going up the stairs for the night. Opening my door again, I see that Jules has sprawled over the bed, not giving me much room.

     I try my best to scooch her over, and she mumbles a protest. "No one gets what they want," I say aloud, even know it's pointless. I finally move her far enough that I can squeeze in. Sadly, that doesn't last long when Jules turns to her side and latches onto me. She puts her head right under my chin.

     "Hawo," she murmurs. Jules puts an arm around my waist. I wait for any signs of a panic attack flaring up any time soon; five minutes pass, and nothing comes up. I hesitantly put a hand on her shoulder.

     I expect the night to go smoothly, and for a time it is. Jules pulls herself away from me so she can move herself up. I look at her the best I can without any source of light. Jules puts her hand up and flops it on my shoulder. It barely lands when she moves it closer to my face. I feel like I'm experiencing a suspense movie as she curves her hand around my jawline. Jules tentatively moves her fingers closer . . . closer . . .

     And they land on my nose.

     "Ha," she says quietly. "Got your nose." 

     I take her hand and move them down to my lips. I could have sworn electricity surged as soon as her fingertips brushed against my bottom lip. "I like them here," I say.

     Jules laughs. "Are you trying to tell me something?" she teases. My face heats up; she sounds appealing at this time of night.

     "Yes," I say. "Now get to it."

     "Ugh, 'boss' is not a fantasy of mine." Jules leans over and plants a kiss on my nose. She moves down to my cheek, making a spotted path as she gets to my ear. My breathing gets shallower, and Jules kisses my neck. "Am I teasing you right?" she asks before skimming her lips across my throat.

     "Yep," I say, my voice straining.

     "Yay!" Jules adjusts her head so I'm looking at her eyes again. Well, kind of; my night vision is getting better. "Does Callie want me to kiss her?"

     I groan in annoyance. "And 'third person' is not my fantasy," I say. I lie on top of Jules, placing my leg between hers. She puts her hands on my waist, and I put mine on her cheeks. My heart beats faster as I lower my head, pausing an inch away. I find it comforting that Jules seems nervous as well; her eyes dart around everywhere that's not me. 

     Finally, I whisper, "Fuck it," and press my lips against Jules'.

     Let me tell you something about first kisses: they're extremely awkward, mostly because it's your first time and you have no idea what the hell you're supposed to be doing. I keep bumping my nose with Jules', and her teeth bumps my lower lip as we try to move our lips around. 

     At some point, we break off the kiss, and I take a deep breath. "I should have looked up some tips on how to kiss," I say.

     "Me too," Jules agrees.

     I stay where I am, contemplating on whether I should look it up right now. Judging from how Jules keeps kissing my throat, I decide that now's not a good time. She trails up to my lips, and this time she actually goes through the plan instead of leaving me hanging. 

     The second kiss is better, and Jules puts a leg over me. I hold her by the thigh, making sure it stays where it is. Now and then, I'd stop kissing her and kiss some other part of her, whether it's her cheek, her temple, and at one point the little bit of exposed chest. Well, it's exposed once I pulled the neckline down to accomplish it.

     Speaking of necklines . . . "Jules, where's your tie?" I ask.

     Jules reaches into her pocket. "Someone once told me I would be dead if I wore a tie to sleep," she explains. "Why do you want to know?"

     I take it without giving her an answer. I grab her hair and hastily tie it with the material. As soon as I can get her hair out of the way, I kiss her neck again, this time with a little more affection than I was showing earlier.

     "What are you doing?" Jules asks.

     Giving up, I say, "Failing to give you a hickey."

     She laughs. "I'm good on that, thanks." She takes off the tie and puts it around my neck. Jules pulls me closer, gripping both ends of her tie to do so, and gives me one hell of a passionate kiss. Out of instinct (okay, maybe I wanted to), I pull up the bottom of her shirt high enough that I can feel the scar. Jules grabs my hand and holds it tightly by her head. Since I don't want her to stop with the kissing, I let it go.

     It feels like it's been only a couple of minutes, but I look at the time on my alarm clock and get the shock of my life when I find it's been about a half hour. Wow, people weren't exaggerating when they say kissing someone takes a lot more time than you'd think.

     Jules turns us over so we're on our sides. She keeps her leg over me, and we lazily keep kissing. Sorry, but this ride isn't going to be over anytime soon on my watch.

     She sighs. "This is a lot better than what I expected," she says.

     "Good." I hold her close to me. "I expect a good morning kiss when it comes to that."

     "Meh, I'll think about it."

     The "exercise" has drained what's left of my energy, and I slump. Within minutes, Jules starts quietly snoring, and not long after that I fall asleep as well.

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