Chapter 32

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The first thing I hear are loud bangs. My eyes open fast, and they look around the room frantically, wondering where the shooting's coming from. Before I can shake Jules up, Mom's voice calls out, "Get up, girls! I'm not going to let you two sleep in all day."

     I groan loud enough for her to hear. "For God's sake, I thought someone got a hold of a gun!" Jules stirs at the volume. She grumbles something, but I can't understand her.

     Laughter comes from the other side of the door. "Come on!" Footsteps follow, and I slowly get off the bed. Jules is still holding onto me, like last time.

     I pull her hands off me and plant a kiss on one of her palms. She makes a happy, but sleepy, noise as I search for the meds. I've barely put the cap back on when Jules gets up as well. She rubs her eyes before mumbling, "Good morning."

     "Ditto." Half-awake now, I notice the rumpled jeans Jules is still wearing from yesterday. "Want me to get you a change of clothes?"

     "Depends," is her answer.

     "On what?" Jules gives me a suggestive wink, and I shake my head. "I'm not helping you get dressed."

     She gives me a disappointed look. "What good are you then?" she asks jokingly. I dig up some sweats from my dresser and hand them over. Jules puts the shirt over her, comparing the size. "Man, you just don't care about how you look," she comments.

     "Hey, it's not like anyone's going to see me in them."

     To give Jules some space, I change in the bathroom, where the mirror is still steamy from Nancy's shower. I come back out of the room, still tying my hair up into a loose braid. Jules is gone from my room.

     I go downstairs to find the car keys are gone. I doubt Nancy drove herself to college; it's the weekend. She probably went to a friend's house. 

     Mom's reading something from her tablet as she sips from a huge mug of coffee, something she rarely gets the chance to fully enjoy. Jules, now having to step carefully to avoid tripping over the pant ankles, pulls out a pan. She cracks the eggs after the butter's been melted in the heated pan. I watch as she looks through the spinning spice rack next to the stove, making me wonder what hell would taste good with runny eggs.

     "Callie, I have to go run some errands," Mom says, not looking up. "As much as I don't want to leave the house, there are some things we need around the house. It's alright if I leave the two of you here, yes?"

     I nod. "How long are you going to be gone?" I ask. Jules makes some sound effects as she flips the eggs, and quite perfectly, judging her imitation of the victorious Octodad noise.

     Slugging down the last of the (hopefully lukewarm) coffee, Mom answers, "At the most, an hour." She gets up and opens the dishwasher. Realizing that it hasn't been empty from last night, she turns to ask me, "Can you do me a favor and empty this?"

     "Sure." Jules puts the pan to the next burner over and starts opening some random cupboards. "Jules, if you need a plate, I'm going to empty the dishwasher anyway. It'll be one less dish for me to deal with."

     Jules pauses. "Oh yeah." She gets out a plate from the washer and scoops her breakfast on it. She doesn't say anything else, but I think it's because Mom's presence is scaring her a little. That's got to be a first right there.

     Mom grabs her purse. "While I'm gone, I expect the house to be still standing straight, and free of any human sacrifices," she says. With that hanging in the air, Mom exits through the front door, leaving me and Jules alone in the house.

Dibs! (Lesbian, GxG)Where stories live. Discover now