Chapter 27

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The next couple of days, my head haven't stopped swirling. Thoughts, sounds, actions, they're all trapped, they're swarming, and they're not stopping the ride anytime soon. Is this what happens when you realize you're starting to like someone? I doubt that I've never suffered through anything similar to this.

     Hmm, let's see if I've contracted a cliched romance illness. Butterflies in my stomach whenever I think I see Jules, but turns out to be a girl with similar hair? Check, kind of. Constantly thinking about her? Check. Wishing that she's still bothering the hell out of me? Check. And, going on Facebook every two minutes to see if she's sent me an IM? Double, fucking, check.

     Well, I got the parasite alright. And there's no way to cure it, besides the obvious.

     I have to mention, I thought I was straight. I mean, I never kissed anyone, nor dated, but I've had crushes before. And all those crushes were guys. Granted, they were guys that I couldn't work up the courage to talk to, so I knew them mainly by their looks. Still, I assumed I was going to grow up, live with a guy, probably end up getting pregnant because we were too lazy to get birth control, and get into so many fights we start questioning how we got together. You know, the typical straight life.

     With Jules opening the possibility that I can be into girls, well, I just wouldn't get accidentally knocked up.

     I've been so distracted by the mental tornado that I couldn't focus on my violin. "Callie, put the goddamn violin down if you're going to keep making that screeching sound!" Nancy shouts from her room after I've moved the bow across the strings incorrectly for the fourth time.

     Knowing that I'm not going to be able to do much more than the screeches, I put the violin in its case in defeat. There's no way in hell I can do anything else tonight if this keeps up. What time is it?

     I take out my phone and look at the time. It's only a quarter to five. I throw the device on my bed. I have to wait until it's dark out before I can go to bed; I feel too energized if I have to go to bed during daylight, which resulted in me being the most troublesome child in the three daycares that I went to. And got kicked out of. 

     I didn't think people can get kicked out of places that young.

     My door opens, and Mom pops her head in. "Hon, what's with the violin?" she asks. "You know that would bother anyone around you."

     "I know," I reply. I gesture to my head. "I'm just distracted."

     She raises an eyebrow. "About what?" Mom pauses briefly. "Or should I say, who?" she adds with caution.

     "Who," I clarify. "And speaking of 'whos', can I go to their house? There's something I need to do."

     I can already tell I'm stirring up some trouble when Mom starts giving me the disapproval stare. "After staying over at a friend's house for two hours without telling me, you think I'm going to let you go this time?" she asks.

     Giving her an 'I'm-so-cute' smile, I respond, "Maybe?"

     The stare amps up. "You can't see them tomorrow at school?"

     "I could, but we rarely see each other."

     Mom does the whole posture only mothers would pull off, with the arms crossed and a hip jutted out. I guess teenage girls can do it, too, but that's not the point. "And how important is this 'visit'?" she questions. "Is it even at all important?"

     I nod. "It's very important," I say firmly. 

     She turns her head to the side, thinking it over. Suddenly, she straightens up. "Alright missy, if you really need to go see this friend tonight--" Yes! I think. "--then you need to earn it. Do all the chores I assign you, and I mean all of them, and I'll drive you to their house, for an hour. Understood?"

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