Chapter 34

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One more thing I've learned the hard way about Jules; she gets startled easily if someone touches her shoulders from behind, and will not hesitate before whipping her head back to headbutt the person. That's a major example of irony when you think about it.

     "Ugh," I moan, putting my hand over my forehead and the bridge of my nose. Jules gasps when she sees me. I hold up a finger. "I swear to God your skull is thick as hell."

     She closes the locker door and pulls me away from the crowd. "I'm sorry about that," she says. She peels my hand away and takes a look at the injury. "All I can see is pink."

     "Great, which opens up the possibility of bruises," I say, putting my hand back where it was. "I thought you don't do apologies."

     "I don't. I thought that's what you wanted to hear."

     I dismiss it with the other hand. "Got any painkillers somewhere?" I ask. When she shakes her head, I groan again. "You obviously were raised without any manners."

     "And who decided to sneak up on me?" Jules looks at me expectantly. I don't answer; instead, I gesture to my forehead. "Okay, fine." She reaches up and kisses on the spot she smacked. "Better?" she asks.

     "I still would rather have the painkillers," I admit.

     "Of course you do." Jules takes a step to my right, but I stop her by grabbing her arm. I pull her back to her original place. "Is this the part where we play some sort of a tug-of-war? It's been a while since I played, but I'm pretty sure this isn't it."

     A girl rounds the nearest corner and stops when she sees us. I would have pretended she doesn't exist, but it seems Jules would like some space from anyone at the school. A raised eyebrow later, the girl skitters back and leaves the scene. 

     "So," I start, letting go of her. "How was your weekend?" Note that I say this with a certain smile.

     Jules chuckles. "Uneventful," she says. 

     "Is that supposed to be a good thing?"

     "It should be. I got more than what I wanted." She then proceeds to pick up one of my hands and entangles my fingers with hers. "And speaking of getting what I want . . ." 

     Jules starts swinging our hands to and fro. She takes a step to my right again, and I follow this time. "What? You're not going to finish what you were going to say?" I ask.

     "Callie, there's a quote, 'Actions speak louder than words'." She gestures to the hands. "This is an action, us holding hands. Do I really need to say anything?" Before I can open my mouth to answer, Jules adds, "No? Great."

      I roll my eyes. "You're so childish," I say.

     "And you're so shy." Jules glances at me. "Actually, you're not shy much now."

     I decide not to say anything on that matter.

     We walk towards the courtyard, still holding hands, intending on going through the thick crowd and go to our separate classes. Like what I expect from the people here, several have glanced our way, doubled over, and start gawking. Right, as if no one's been making jokes about me being Jules' girlfriend over time, I think.

     One of the gawkers, it turns out, is the same guy Jules got into a fight with. "Look at this!" he says to a couple of guys next to him. "Junkie Jules finally got herself a drug mule."

     I lean into Jules. "I thought the rumor was I'm hooking up with you for the drugs," I whisper. 

     "You used 'rumor' in your sentence," Jules points out. "Not a lot of good things come from the word."

Dibs! (Lesbian, GxG)Where stories live. Discover now