Chapter 20

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The past hour was nothing but peaceful, and a little aggravating. May's settled herself on the majority of my bed, while I have to sit at the very edge of it, and my violin case is mocking me. "You have to do a boring project, and I don't!" it seems to say whenever I take a look at it.

     I haven't realized I've been dozing off, thinking about playing the instrument, until my friend snaps her fingers at me. "Alright, that's enough!" she declares. "You need to either focus completely on the project, or you need to talk to me."

     Gladly taking the second choice, I say, "Thank God. I thought I was going to split in half."

     May sits up. "So, what's been going on?" she asks. "I heard there was a fight recently." I nod. "You know who they were?"

     "One of them's Jules," I say. "I don't know who the other person was. He gave Jules a beating, though."

     It's obvious from just looking at her that she wasn't expecting Jules to come up. "How the hell did it happen?" she asks. 

     "Well you see, one insults the other, and the other challenges the first to a fight--" My friend smacks me on the arm. "What? You asked me how."

     She giggles. "I meant, what was the reason?"

     "Oh. Yeah, tried asking Jules that. She wouldn't tell me."

     "When did you talk to her?"

     "After the fight was over, and she was in the nurse's office."

     "Really?" May seems intrigued by this tidbit. "You actually talked to her?"


     Since the fight last week, both Jules and the guy were suspended from school in the last four days. They have three days to go before they can return. Every day since the suspension became active--including the weekend--Jules has been leaving me an IM or two on Facebook. None of them were ever, "Talk to me! I'm bored!", oddly enough. Jules would send a little fact about her day, or what one of her brothers did that made her laugh. 

     Speaking of the IMs, I hear the Facebook ding from my slightly open laptop. My best friend looks at it before asking me, "Are you talking to Dominic on Facebook?"

     "No, it's Jules. She's been leaving me a message for four days."

     It doesn't take long for May to do the math. "What does she usually say?"

     "It's Jules. What do you think?"

     She seems to understand, and her own phone rings. May picks it up and reads the text. With a smile on her face, she informs me of a party Logan's throwing tomorrow night. "He told me that you're invited, if you want to go," she adds. 

     "I don't know about that," I say. "There's going to be a lot of people hanging around, doing stupid things."

     "Don't forget the making out," she says.

     "Yeah, that's one of the 'stupid things'."

     May quickly texts Logan back before putting it back where it was, on my nightstand. "That answers my question of whether you've had your first kiss," she says. I stick my tongue out at her. "Wow, real mature."

     I can't help but smile. "I finally got to Randy again," I say. While Jules was talking to me on Facebook, I myself had a conversation with her brother. Before you question, no, I'm not preferring Randy over Jules (okay, maybe a little) by ignoring her but talking to him. I still had a question for him about the help, and I didn't know what to say to her.

     Randy was completely fine with helping me out, and even suggested we play together a few times. The first time, I made a mistake or several, but he waited until the song was completed before telling me what I could do to make fewer mistakes. It took about an hour for me to understand what the hell he wanted me to do. And here I thought I knew everything about playing a violin. Guess I was wrong.

     "Cool," May says. "Did you get the chance to tell him the important things?"

     "And he gladly accepted to help," I respond. "We had a violin-playing session in a band room at Nan's college."

     "Congratulations, Callie," May deadpans. "You visited a band room not from our school." She jumps off from the bed when I reach over and try to smack her, laughing the whole time.

     "Ha!" I lay flat on the mattress. "I have the whole thing again!"

     "Oh no, you don't!" May falls down on me, causing us to laugh harder as we try to fight for dominance. 

     I shout, "Oh yeah, I do!" I struggle to get May off of me. Damn, she's got to be the best illusionist alive; she looks a little over a hundred, and somehow my friend weighs more than a ton. I wonder if I can pull that off.

     Just as I'm close to pushing May off and throwing a pillow at her to make sure she stays off (hey, it can happen), my door is swung open, the doorknob hitting the wall. "Hi Callie!" Nancy says. She stops to take in the scene. "Cool, dog pile!"

     "No, no dog pile, Nan," I say, practically wheezing. "May, you need to get off me. I can't handle your weight anymore."

     With a scoff, she does. "I'm perfectly fine, thanks," she says.

     "You sure about that?" I hold up my hands as she pretends to tackle me.

     "You guys are weird," Nancy states.

     I mention, "We didn't put car keys in the fridge."

     "Wait, what?" May pipes up.

     "Nothing!" Nancy says quickly. "Callie, that was confidential!"

     Putting my hands on my hips, I demand, "Who said it was? And don't say you. You don't count here."

     "Hey! That's mean!"

     "Girls, I appreciate watching you two fight because it's hilarious," May starts, "but I doubt Nancy came here for the fighting."

     I've completely forgotten about that. To be frank, I was in the mood to tease someone, and May isn't the type of person I can mercilessly tease. Mostly because if I did, we wouldn't be friends anymore. "Yeah, why are you here?" I ask.

     My sister puts her hands up. "May's dad's here. He wanted me to tell you guys that."

     May puts a hand over her face. "Fuck, I forgot the appointment," she groans. "I've known about it for the last month."

     "Why? What's the appointment for?" I question as my best friend starts packing up her things.

     She waves a hand around, trying to remember. "It's the, um, you know," she says.

     "No, I can't read your--" May points at her mouth. "Oh, dentist?"

     She nods. "Yeah, I'm getting braces."

     "Oh." I'm not sure what to say. "Um, congrats?"

     May rolls her eyes. "Save that for when I get them off after who knows how long."

     We exchange goodbyes, and May leaves the house with a reminder for me, "Come to the party!" Soon after, I hear a car spinning out of the driveway.

     Nancy looks at me. "What party?" she asks.

     "You don't want to know."

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