Chapter 29

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It feels as if the encounter with Logan had fired up something inside me. I still need the meds, but I at least don't look down when I enter the high school. At least, I don't look down more than usual.

     May catches my attention when I get to my locker. "Anything new with Jules?" she asks. I haven't told her about the recent emotions yet. I doubt that now's a good time.

     "I guess," I answer. I open the locker and get out the textbook for first period.

     It doesn't take my best friend long to say, "You like her now, don't you?"

     "Are there rumors around about that as well?"

     She gives me a look. "What rumors?" she asks. "Why? Did something actually happen?" My face must have been more revealing than a book; her eyes widen. "No, really? How did Jules get you to do it?"

    "Wait, what? No!" I say a little too loudly. I slam the locker door shut. "She just yelled at me. That was it."

     "Uh-huh." May crosses her arms. "Exactly what did she yell at you about?"

     "You know, the important stuff." 

     "And this 'important stuff' includes . . ."

     I put my fingers on my temple. "Sometimes, I forget how pushy you can be," I grumble.

     "Only when I have to be," May replies happily.

     We walk quietly to my classroom, and I drop off my things at my desk. Since we have about ten minutes before class starts, I figure that I can just walk around, doing pretty much nothing. May heads off when a couple of girls wave her over, shouting about something to do with hairstyles.

     I turn a corner when someone grabs me around the waist and pulls me aside. "Hallo!" Jules chirps. Her jacket sleeve rolls up, revealing a caffeine patch. I guess drinking coffee is out of fashion. "Did you hear me? I said 'hallo!'"

     "I heard. You were shouting in my ear."

     "Oh." The pause doesn't last. "Yay! I can hug you without you going all complain-y about it!" With that said, she puts my arms around her neck. "There, now we're both hugging!"

      I'd say something in response to that, but I notice there aren't many people paying attention to their surroundings. Instead, I just keep my arms where Jules put them. I can feel my face heating up, even though I've hugged her before. She puts her chin on my shoulder, obviously enjoying this.

     She lets go of me soon. I have to admit that I don't want to let go just yet. "Come on, I'm bored," she states. A tie is loosely hanging from her neck, and Jules straightens it as best as she can.

     "Where are we going?" I ask. She grabs my hand and starts dragging me towards the campus.

     "You'll see!" is all Jules will say.

     "That's not helpful," I protest.

     We pass several people, some of them calling out, "Junkies in love!" Like usual, Jules ignores them. I, however, just stare them down as best as I can while being pulled forward. It's not that easy to do.

     For a second, I assume we were going to pass the library. Nope; Jules hops up on the steps and waits for me to catch up, now that she's let go of me. "You're so slow!" she accuses.

     "Am not." I bring up my foot slooooowly to the next step. Jules grunts in mild annoyance and pulls me up. I start to laugh. "What? Instant reaction," I say. "Don't tell me you wouldn't pull that stunt as well."

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