Chapter 35

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I enter the nurse's office, expecting to see the nurse this time. Again, there's no sign of anyone official. Jules, however, is lying on her side on the same bed as last time. She's staring at the wall, while the guy on the bed across the room is on his back with hands on his stomach. He looks indifferent for someone in a fight.

     Quietly, I walk over and sit on the side of the bed, right next to Jules. "Hey," I murmur.

     She looks at me. "Hi," she says. Jules is using the same volume as I am. "Are you here to quote-unquote 'yell' at me again?" She curls her index and middle fingers for the air-quotes.

     "No." And because I can't resist a nice moment, I reach out and take Jules' hand. I stroke the hand with my thumb. "Just thought you'd like me here or something." And I may or may not have a question for you, I add silently.

     Jules chuckles. "Someone's gotten a hold of Mommy's books," she notes.

     "Hey, she keeps them well-hidden."

     ". . . Um, I honestly have nothing to say about that."

     "Will you two dykes shut the hell up?" the guy asks.

     "Here's a thought," I respond. I might be a little pissed at being called a 'dyke'. "Don't start fights, and don't get yourself injured. There. End of story." Jules snickers at my snarkiness. "Hey, you're not completely off the hook, missy," I add as I let go of her hand.

     Although still amused, the laughing stops. "And we're in that weird territory of you bossing me around again," she says. "Did I ever tell you that's a turn-off for me?"

     "Well, thank God we're in school and not doing anything you're thinking of," I say, causing her to grin mischeviously. "Just so you know, I'm going to be bossy for the next few minutes. What was the fight even about?" That's right, I'm taking the straight and blunt route. I have a feeling Jules would find a loophole through a nicer, beating-around-the-bush type question.

     She gives me the innocent look. "Was there a reason?" she asks.

     "Don't give me that, Jules McCall," I say. If we were in a sitcom, I'd probably be waggling my finger at her. "I know there was something that started it. And if you give me that 'it was all fun and games until someone got hurt' crap, I'm not going to be happy."

     "Well, there goes that strategy out the window," Jules mutters. I flick her in the arm, and it moves away from me quickly. "Okay, fine! Geez Callie, I just got into a fight."

     The guy pipes up again. "Thanks for mentioning me," he says. 

     "No problem," Jules says happily, missing the sarcasm.


     "Right, the reason." Jules stops to think. After several long moments, she tilts her head back to address the guy again. "Hey, what was the reason we got into a fight?"

     He turns on his side and stares at her weirdly. "You're asking me for the fucking reason?"

     She pauses. "Sorry. Forgot you're a douche. Never mind." I face-palm at her absurdity. Jules responds by scooting to the side of the bed and patting on the open space. "Lie down."

     "Um, don't you think that's awkward?" I question.

     Jules pats on the bed again. I roll my eyes before lying down next to her. She puts her head on my shoulder, while grimacing at the rough brushes against her scrapes, and grabs my hand again. "There. Now I have something nice with me," she says.

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