Chapter Two

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Accio - Summon an object from a distance

~Arden Diggory~

I sat in the Slytherin common room, reading a book Hermione gave to me which was from the muggle world. Catcher in the Rye it was called. I had never heard of this book before, and might I say it was very interesting.

The Slytherins in the common room other than me were a bunch of first years looking out the windows in awe, and Draco with his posse. I sat alone reading away, when I heard one of Draco's yes men say my name. I looked up from my book and saw Draco staring at me like he was at the feast. Just like at the feast when we made eye contact, he glared at me. I quickly turned my attention back to the book and read away.

"Come on Draco, this is going to waste our time." I heard Crabbe whisper/shout. I carefully looked up at them and saw Draco deep in thought. "Who cares if she doesn't seem Slytherin, she probably just didn't fit into any of the other houses."

"Rubbish." Draco spat. "She's nicer than that Loony Lovegood. She's probably the smartest Slytherin, and she's loyal. She's anything but a Slytherin. It bothers me..." Draco whispered. I felt like they thought I couldn't hear them, but I heard ever word. It was funny how he seemed to hate me so much, yet in fact all he did was compliment me. Sometimes I wondered if Draco was dropped as a child for the amount of times he couldn't figure out what he actually meant.

"Why should you waste your time on Pretty Diggory, she's got nothing to her except her looks." Goyle spat.

Not like you can relate, Goyle.

I snapped my book shut and marched out of the common room. I walked up the stairs to my dormitories, and I heard Draco shout 'Good one, Goyle' sarcastically. Why was I just Pretty Diggory? Why can't I be Nice Diggory, or Smart Diggory? I am those things aren't I? Draco literally said I was yet all he seems to do is insult me because he and his goons think the only quality I have is physical appearance. It's nice to have people tell you you're pretty, but it's not nice to have people tell you thats your only notable quality.

I put Hermione's book on my bedside table and hid my face in my hands. It was hard to keep my composure most of the time; after years of relentless teasing over truly nothing, sometimes I wonder why I haven't completely snapped yet and unleashed all hell onto Draco Malfoy. I told myself not to cry, since this was one of the stupidest things to possibly cry over.

I took a deep breath and held in the emotions, giving myself a little praise for being able to stay quite strong. Instead of dwelling on it, I just got ready for bed and drifted off to sleep to ignore the issue for the next few hours.


The next morning, I had potions first. Potions was probably my favourite class. Mixing things together to make concoctions that could kill, or resurrect was fascinating. The only thing wrong with the class was the teacher: Professor Snape. Even thought he was the head of the Slytherin house, he still treated me like he treats the Gryffindors, which is terribly.

It's incredibly unfair the way he treats students that aren't in his own house (me exempted). It's strange how he has to take his anger out on all of us for whatever reason. If only he could just treat us all horribly, then there wouldn't be so much extra prejudice towards him for his unfair treatment for his students.

On my way to class, I ran into Hermione.

"Hi Arden, how was the dungeons last night?" Hermione teased.

"Oh spectacular... Draco and his minions were talking about me." I sighed.

"What did they say?" Hermione asked, intrigued with what the boys were talking about.

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