Chapter Seventy Two

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It became late October, and Arden had become very big.

Ever since the attack at Bill and Fleur's wedding, Arden was forced to stay with the Weasley's since their every move was being watched. It didn't take long for Molly to notice Arden's growing stomach, and she found out quickly what had happened to her.

Surprisingly, Molly was understanding, and was willing to support Arden through her time, since she definitely needed it. Molly definitely asked multiple questions about who the father was, where he was, and why she had made the mistake, but Arden chose not to respond to any of her questions. Molly eventually slowed the questions down, when she was Arden's age, many students were rushing into things such as marriage due to the height of the first Wizarding War, Molly just assumed the same for Arden, and gave her the help she needed.

Fred and George would often talk to Arden's belly, making silly noises, telling jokes and what not. Arden would often cry on multiple occasions because of how lovely and supportive everyone was to her.

Aside from the love and care Arden had been receiving, she was worried sick about her parents. Arthur had told her that her house was deserted, but not raided. Her parents probably fled after finding out the Ministry had been taken over, perhaps the Ministry had taken them instead. Whatever was happening, it didn't help Arden stay calm.

Draco had been even more on edge than he already was. Lena was still reluctant to join the Death Eaters, often screaming her lungs out every time someone other than Draco came down to the room she was locked in. She would often cry, since Draco had come down to tell her that they had held Luna hostage in order to stop the Quibbler from promoting Harry in a positive way.

Draco was sent down to see Lena most of the time, since Voldemort assumed that she trusted him since they were in the same year. Voldemort would often ask Draco to convince Lena to change her mind and join them, but Draco never spoke to her about any of it.

They were plotting her escape. As November grew closer Lena was considering joining the Death Eaters just so she could have the privilege to get out of the mansion. She knew if she escaped somehow without the Dark Mark on her, she would be tracked down, thus dangering her and Arden's life since they would be together.

Draco was sometimes a bit hard on Lena, snapping at her for taking too long to come up with a plan. He just wanted all of this nonsense to be over, to finally have his home back, to be with Arden.

"You might just have to give in, Oxton." Draco said tiredly. "He's growing impatient, you're not going to get out of here alive if you don't choose this."

Lena shook her head rapidly. "But I don't want to! I don't want to be like my father, I shouldn't have to be forced into this!"

"How do you think I feel?" Draco snapped, losing his patience. "I was in the exact same shoes as you, not wanting to go down this bloody path, not wanting to follow in my father's steps, but I didn't have a choice. It was life or death for me. If you really want to live and have the privilege to walk out of here unharmed, then you're going to have to do it."

Lena began to sob, knowing that he was right. Lena leaned back against the brick wall, causing her now shoulder length brown hair to fall back and reveal her hollow cheeks that were once full, but had sunken due to her lack of food. Draco groaned, frustrated that he had made her upset yet again. "Look I'm sorry it's just-"

"Take me up there." Lena interrupted. She stood off the ground, standing tall and confidently, making her only a centimeter shorter than Draco.

Draco looked at her oddly. "W-wha-"

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