Chapter Twenty

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~Draco Malfoy~

How funny, didn't think Potter would lose self control. My abdomen was killing me, but I couldn't let just one stun spell stop me. I pulled myself up, and inched closer to him.

"Well, I guess I finally made Saint Potter crack! Come on, what are you going to do Potter?" I taunted. He left his wand pointed at me, but didn't do anything. Arden ran up to us, and stood in front of him. 

"Draco, just stop. You got what you wanted, leave it at that." She pleaded. I kept my eyes on Potter, making sure he didn't dare to strike me while I looked away. Did I get what I wanted? Well, I wanted to make Potter jealous through getting Arden to be with me. I guess she was right, but I wasn't satisfied with his reaction, I wanted more to happen. I gently moved her away from us, still keeping my eyes on him.

"Arden, don't get in the middle of this." I said calmly.

"How can I not be in the middle of this when this whole thing is literally because of me?" She argued. Well, she had a point there... From the corner of my eye I saw Granger hold onto her shoulders to keep her from running between us. Potter still had his wand aimed at me. What's he waiting for? He's just going to stand there and point a wand at me? I scoffed and stepped away from him, waiting for him to do something.

"Well, I guess this will be easy." I laughed. "Petrificus Totalus!"

"Protego!" The spell rebounded off of Potter, but missed me by a few centimetres. Looking back at the disappearing spell, I laughed. I put my wand away then walked closer to Potter again, whilst rolling up my sleeves.

"Alright then. Think you're so tough? Come on, let's have a real fight." Without warning, I swung at Potter, hitting him right in the nose. I heard Arden gasp, but didn't dare to look at her. 

"We have to go get a teacher!" Granger shouted worryingly. She dragged Arden with her, and they ran away. Potter staggered for a moment from the hit. He held onto his nose from the pain, then looked at me.

"You really want to do this, Malfoy?" He warned. He tucked his wand away and glared at me. "It's not like she'll come running back into your arms after this." I hit him again, this time in the jaw. Potter cried out in pain. He bent over, holding onto his face. His breathing was uneven, as he tried to ease the pain in his jaw. I winced as I rubbed over my knuckles, sore from the punching.

"Oh please, you don't know how much she enjoys my company. She cares about me more than you." I taunted. I knew by the look on his face that I had angered him. He let go of his jaw and kicked me square in the stomach, making me stumble back slightly from the impact. 

"Don't make me laugh. Why would she care about a foul git who only likes her for her looks?" He chuckled. I shoved him down to the ground. Students who were arriving to class started to gather. They were all rooting for one of us, the loudest was Weasley who was yelling at Potter to get up. 

His back hit the ground hard, making him groan. I marched up to him then pulled him up to face me by his tie, almost tearing it. 

"You don't know how I feel about her. If you even try to insinuate that I don't truly care about her, I will not hesitate to kill you, Potter." I said through gritted teeth. He didn't say anything. He glared right at me. Potter leaned closer, not taking his glaring eyes off of me.

"I know you don't care about her, Malfoy." He spat. I shoved him back down to the ground and kicked his side. He laid there, groaning after each hit. I kept kicking him, I didn't care if people were shouting at me to stop. I didn't care if I'd even get expelled, no one tries to tell me that I don't care about Arden.

I kept kicking him, then someone pushed me away.

"Stop!" Arden yelled. She stood in front of me to block me from Potter. A white flash appeared out of the corner of my eye, and a blonde woman dressed in metallic green walked up to us.

"Oh, this is juicy!" She exclaimed. She strutted over to Arden and put her hand on her shoulder. "Oh dear, you just can't stay out of the spotlight, can you miss Diggory?" The woman shook her head in disappointment. It was Rita Skeeter, the woman who made it seem as though Potter and Arden were dating in the Daily Prophet when the tournament started. Rita looked at me and a smirk spread across her face. "Lucius Malfoy's son and Harry potter, fighting over Cedric Diggory's younger sister. My oh my, this will definitely be the best story yet! Ta ta!" She quickly left as Granger returned with Professor Mcgonagall following her.

"What is this!? Where is the professor teaching this class!?" She yelled. Mcgonagall gasped as she saw Potter lying on the ground like a pathetic loser. She carefully helped him up, making sure she didn't hurt him any further. "Oh dear, we need to get you to the hospital wing!" She started to walk off when she noticed me standing there. "And don't think you've gotten out of this Mr Malfoy! I will discuss your punishment with Professor Snape later today! In the meantime, 20 points will be taken from Slytherin."

"Professor, he was the one who attacked me!" I defended. Mcgonagall didn't respond, then took Potter away. I sighed, looking at Arden. She looked disappointed, upset and angry all in one expression.

"Are you happy now?" She said softly. She started to walk away, but I gently turned her back to me. I held onto both of her hands tightly, making her blush. Arden shook her head and tried to leave, but I kept a firm grip.

"Hey, you don't know what he said Arden..." I whispered. 

"W-what did he say..." She mumbled. I looked into her eyes, and tried to keep a sincere expression. 

"He said I was trying to steal you away from him, that you were his." I lied. I knew I shouldn't have, but I couldn't have done anything else. I had just made her mine, and I was about to lose her. I was going to do whatever it took to stay with her, even if it meant lying to her. 

She looked at me skeptically for a moment, and opened her mouth to speak. I quickly placed a finger over her soft lips and shushed her. "Don't say anything, I did this for us." She looked away. She could tell that I was lying, she's not an idiot. She sighed, then looked back at me.

"Do you swear that you're telling the truth?" She asked. She looked at me with pleading eyes, trying to determine if I were lying or not. I didn't take my eyes off of hers. I kept a serious expression, and took a deep breath.

"I swear."

Imperio ⇢ D.Mजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें