Chapter Seventy Six

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Lena kicked the sticks in her path as her and Draco followed the group of Snathers lead by Fenrir Greyback, on the hunt for Harry Potter. Draco was never asked to go out to undergo tasks due to his mother being worried sick, but Narcissa couldn't pick an argument with the Dark Lord no matter how much she wanted to.

"Quit making so much noise," Draco hissed, "they're just going to get even more pissed at you."

Lena rolled her eyes as she glared at the back of her father's head. "I could care less if they tie me up and throw me away again. Hell, I don't even care if they kill me at this point."

"Knock it off Oxton, you don't know what you're saying." Draco groaned.

"I know perfectly well what I am saying Malfoy, I'd rather be dead than be kept prisoner and fake my loyalty to this horrific cause." Lena scowled at Draco, "you only want me alive and loyal to the Death Eaters because of Arden. You don't make an effort to get to her yourself because you're a coward, so you rely on me to do all the dirty work."

Draco kept his eyes ahead, "I don't think you understand how this all works." He said through gritted teeth.

"I completely understand. You're the Dark Lord's favourite! You have all the freedom in the world! You could waltz up to her door and see her again, maybe even knock her up again knowing you."

Lena's negativity stunned Draco, making him unable to argue back. He just shook his head and ignored her, not wanting to continue the argument as one of the Snatchers, Scabior, turned around and glared at them.

"Do I need to tie you up, girlie?" He threatened. Lena's father put a reassuring hand on Scabior's shoulder, forcing him to look back ahead.

"Calm down, it's Malfoy's boy who's riling her up."

Draco scoffed as they kept walking through the forest, heading for the location that Harry, Ron and Hermione were apparently at. Walking through the Dean forest, the group heard voices and saw figures in the distance

It was almost two easy. The trio had apparated in front of them, making the Snathers' jobs a million times easier. Lena felt sick in her stomach as they stood practically behind Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Hello beautiful." Scabior purred as he stared at Hermione. She looked around frantically, knowing there was nothing to do but run. Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at each other for a few seconds, and sprinted. "Well don't hang about," Scabior said as he watched the trio run away, "snatch em'!"

Draco and Lena were both reluctant to run ahead, but knew they had to. The two had managed to run fast enough to be ahead of the other Death Eaters, but not close enough to get the trio. Draco slipped his wand out of his pocket and tried to stun Harry, but Hermione used a barrier charm that rebounded the spell and hit a Snatcher behind them.

As Hermione saw the Death Eaters gain on them, she hit Harry with a stinging curse, causing his face to swell up and making him completely unrecognisable.

As he fell backwards, an odd rattling sound came from his pocket. The rest of the Snatchers grabbed onto Ron and Hermione, while Fenrir pulled Harry up, causing the rattling to sound again.

"What's in 'is pocket?" He asked, pointing at the disfigured Harry. Fenrir searched his pockets, and pulled out a small pink rattle with a photo tied to it.

Draco's eyes widened, and felt his heart stop beating. Scabior took the rattle, smirking as he read the message on the back of a small photo of a smiling grey eyed girl with curly brown hair.

Not sure why you need a good luck charm, but I hope it'll help out in some way xoxo

- Arden

"Draco, get over here." Scabior ordered. Draco made his way over to Harry slowly, not wanting to lose his balance as he felt his whole body shake knowing that the rattle most definitely belonged to his daughter. Why Harry had it, he didn't know, but it made Draco want to turn Harry in. "You went to school with the Potter boy right? Tell us, is it him?"

Draco looked into Harry's green eyes. He glared at him, the two had a heated argument just with their eyes. If they weren't surrounded by Death Eaters, the two would have started throwing punches by now.

But Draco knew that turning Harry in would result in a dark world that he didn't want his daughter to live in. A world lead by the man he is forced to follow.

Draco brushed his hatred for Harry aside, and stepped away from him. "I don't know, I can't be sure..." he sighed.

Scabior exhaled as he paced around Harry, unable to determine if it is him or not. He looked at the photo attached to the rattle in his hand, and shrugged.

"Well, I'm sure his little girlfriend will be able to tell us." Scabior said. He tossed the rattle to Fenrir. "Trace the scent wolf, and bring the girl in the photo."


Fred was upstairs lulling Lindy to sleep while Arden was downstairs cleaning up the number of toys that Fred and George had made for Rosalind. She couldn't believe how much they were spoiling her, but she was thankful they were so willing to help, other wise she might never get any sleep.

Arden looked at her reflection in the window and sighed. After Lena had made the length of her hair uneven before her birth, Arden had to even it out herself. Her hair now barely touched her shoulders, it looked odd to her because of how curly it was. But Arden didn't care about vanity these days, there was no time to.

Behind her, Arden heard a rattling sound. Thinking it was Fred with Rosalind, she smiled and turned around.

"Could you not get her to-" but Arden couldn't finish her sentence, due to Fenrir Greyback knocking her out. He picked up her unconscious body, and ran to the Death Eater headquarters.


Well... that happened... lolz.

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