Chapter Thirteen

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~Hermione Granger~

"Well, I'm off to the library!" I quickly ran out of the hall, after seeing Arden's freaky expression I had to get out of there, but I had a plan. I knew that Arden wouldn't be able to cope with sitting with just Ron and Harry after that little... feud. I hid behind one of the entrance doors and watched Arden sit there. I knew those three too well. Ron was going to whine about not having a date, and Arden will probably end up leaving, or hopefully, talk to Malfoy.

I know for sure however she will talk to Malfoy. Her scarf on her was way longer than normal. I know, it's strange to observe odd details on someone like scarf length, but you never know when these facts come in handy. Today was that day.

Just like I had predicted, Arden got up to leave. I hid completely behind the door so she wouldn't see me spying on her. I peered back around and yes, she was with Malfoy. 

Those two had suddenly become friends, like, out of nowhere. Malfoy can be a foul, loathsome evil little cockroach, but it's been so obvious he's had feelings for her ever since day one. I couldn't help but find it cute that he had a crush on her. Malfoy may have teased her -with the stupidest 'insult' ever created- but he's never treated anyone so nicely before. 

I remember when I first tried to confront him about Arden...


"Can't believe this, Pretty Diggory actually bribed the Professors into making Zabini the Slytherin Seeker! My father will hear about this!" Malfoy cursed. 

"She didn't bribe the Professors, she just knew that Blaise had more talent at Quidditch than you ever would and showed Madam Hooch that." I spat. Draco and I were unfortunately sitting right next to each other in the Quidditch pitch stands, watching the Gryffindor vs Slytherin match. 

"I don't remember asking for your opinion, Granger."  

"Why do you even call her that, it just makes it seem like you have a crush on her." I said. Malfoy looked at me with a horrified expression.

"Me? Have a crush on Pretty Diggory? As if!" He blew off.

"Well, why don't you come up with an 'insult' that's not complimenting her in the process? That just seems a bit silly if you really don't like her, Malfoy." I raised  my eyebrows, knowing that I won. Malfoy just glared at me, then rolled his eyes.

"I don't mind her." He admitted. I immediately smiled, knowing that I got Malfoy to crack."That does not mean I fancy her, Granger!"


Sure, Malfoy, you don't fancy her. I peered around the door again and saw Malfoy smirking, as usual. Arden sat down next to him, and they just looked at each other. The look on Malfoy's face was adorable, he looked at her like she was the only other person in the hall. Arden put her hand on his, and he grinned. Okay Hermione, it's official! Arden has a thing for Malfoy, now get in there before it gets awkward for them!

I smiled as I quickly ran over to the cute pair. I grabbed Arden's wrist and started to yank her away.

"Arden come on! I have something seriously important to tell you!" Malfoy didn't take his eyes off Arden, as she turned around and looked like she was going to punch me. I pulled her up and ran out of her hall, dragging Arden behind me. I pulled her behind the door I was hiding behind, and started jumping up and down excitedly. 

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